Poll: Hey hey Berry-chan here! For Overlord and Strawberries, a few of you have been wondering who our hot strawberry will be paired with. While i had a good idea, I want to keep ya'll involved, so how about you guys choose! Poll will be up for several days, so let's hop to it! Feel free to vote twice! On your marks, get set, and cast your votes people! XD Vote Now!
Author has written 2 stories for Bleach, and Overlord/オーバーロード. Hey you! *runs up, grabs your hand, and stares excitedly into your eyes* Do you... like Bleach? No, more importantly... do you like Ichigo Kurosaki? ... You do? smiles brightly, grabs your other arm and proceeds to dance around the room, dragging you along* Then welcome to the STRAWBERRY SHINIGAMI NETWORK! Hai! My name is Strawberry Taicho and I will be your host and server during your stay. If you are here, you are family, and that makes me happy! *proceeds to hug you tightly* If you haven't already guessed what this fanfiction site is about, you baka, but I still love you. Here at the SSN we have one purpose. To spread the endeavors and fanfiction of Ichigo Kurosaki to the entire world, no matter what I have to do to get there. hides knife* We will send the immortal berry to places he has never been before! This site has several absolute laws called The Bill of Strawberries, and is absolutely absolute in it's reign!
Fanfiction Speech and Thought Format 'thoughts' 'Shiro speaking inside Ichigo' 'Zangetsu speaking inside Ichigo' "talking" "Shiro summoned and talking" "Zangetsu summoned and talking" Letters, notices, notes, etc...Current Ichigo fics ;) Overlord and Strawberries To Overcome the Heavens COMING SOON- Another; This Dark Endeavor COMING SOON- Titans and a Soul Reaper COMING SOON- Order of the Protector COMING SOON- Another Chance at Redemption COMING SOON- A Shinigami and a VampireI have created a Community to spread the love of the berry! Its called The Kurosaki Strawberry Patch! If you wish to add stories to add stories to it let me know! If you wish to become a member of the staff, I would be so happy! Send me a mail, and let the strawberry patch grow and ripen! XD Also, if you need any assistance with anything at all story wise or not, or if you want somebody to talk with, my metaphorical door is always open! Feel free to chat with me, as it makes me happy! Welcome to the family!!! |
Ichigo Muramasa (0) | IIIIIIIIII (2) | Sedor (20) |