Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter.
July 31, 2005
Holy Crap I updated. The weeks have blurred by and all of a sudden, its the end of July and I still hadn't updated. Hope you enjoy.
May 2, 2005
Next chapter is up for Dreaming in Reality. Sorry for the long delay. Work's been a b lately. I'm going to be working on the next chapter and hope to get it up quicker this time.
March 13, 2005
Uploaded the 2nd chapter of Dreaming in Reality. I'm looking for a beta-reader for content/consistency. I would like someone to review and make sure I'm not mixing up my stories since I'm working on multiple and the characters are acting differently in each.
Feb 26, 2005
Uploaded a new story. The sequel to Dream a Little Dream. It is a WIP and I will update as possible. It all depends on how many computers break at work.
Feb. 9, 2005
I write for multiple fandoms. I will beuploading my works as I have time.
I work fulltime as a network administrator and use reading and writing as a way to unwind. FPS games also help (G)
Current Fandom of Choice
Harry Potter -
HP/pretty much anyone except Ginny.
I enjoy Dark!Harry and Slytherin!Harry not necessarily Evil!Harry unless it is well written and explained...or the smut is excellent.:)
Most Underused character in the books is Severus Snape - He's not evil...just misunderstood as my friend Melissa states.
I've got several stories in the works for HP and other fandoms. Some are completed, some are in progress and some are halted.
I hope you enjoy what you read...If you do, let me know...If you don't, let me know why, I can take the constructive criticism and general feedback. Flames will be posted on my website if they especially comical.