![]() Author has written 4 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy XIII. Well, to start off, I guess I'm just your average girl. I'm a dork. I'm awesome. I'm socially awkward. All in all, not too bad of a kid! I spend my time working, doing martial arts, working, playing games, reading, writing, working, studying, and occasionally am able to go to the bar for a drink. Exciting life I know, someone has to do it! Moving on from me, most of my stories right now are a bit outdated, however, I am still working on them. VERY slowly but surely. I apologize for anyone who may be following them and are like, "bitch, update or else!" That being said, I'll go into a little more detail with them: Flower Girl: A one shot obviously. Horrible in how I wrote it...I was young...I thought it was great. I could prolly fix it and make it a little better, but that takes precious time. So it'll stay. :) I did go back and fix a few grammatical errors though. So it's not a total bust. Midnight Flight: Again, lots of errors in tense and grammatical stuff. I am slowly going back and editing it so maybe it won't be so tense jumpy and stuff. I still need to finish it, but hopefully I'll be better at updating. Match Made in Final Heaven: I am still pretty interested in this one. Only problem is, I haven't played Kingdom Hearts in a long ass time and I hate being so inaccurate. I figure I could just bull shit my way through, but that only gets me so far. I've been using YouTube and a ton of Google to get my information. I have a lot of things I'm playing around with for this but it'll take some time to sort out. Suppressing the Storm: Okay, this is my newest addition. I am a huge huge HUGE fangirl for Fang and Lightning. Like...I can't stress that enough. I would have to say mild obsession even. This one is my main focus, if only for the reason I want to see where I can take it. I'm putting a lot of time into this by replaying the game and literally writing down their mannerisms, quotes and any detail I can use to most accurately portray their characters. Time consuming, but I hope it turns out well. I suppose that is enough from me... Any questions, comments, or concerns, just message me through here. Orrr I have a Tumblr I'm trying to get a hang of at . So that works too. . |