![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. 6/27/08 Okay, Absolution will totally be updated soon...I swear!! I'm having trouble writing some parts, like the boring parts, lol!! I also have to take my MCATs soon, and I haven't even started studying so I'm in trouble. Yikes. ABOUT ME Hi! My name is Megan, and I love the Harry Potter series!! I just finished my third year atr the University of California, Berkeley, and I'm majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology - Immunology: Infectious Diseases. I'm planning on going to medical school because I want to be a surgeon! Exciting! I hate writing essays in my Lit/Comp classes, and I especially despise poetry, but I'm totally addicted to fan fiction, especially Draco/Hermione and Severus/Lily. I starting writing fan fiction way back when I started high school, at a time when the D/Hr section was like 7 pages (and now it's over 800 pages, wow!) and it's been a fantastic journey. I've written several other stories until some other pen names as well. Kudos if you can guess my other pen names. I'm so excited to be back on this site after a long hiatus. I'm in the middle of writing my latest fan fiction, Absolution, which is Draco/Hermione. December Lullaby is basically pretty much discontinued. I had like 3-4 chapters written and my laptop died while I was on a plane flying out of the country last summer and I lost my entire hard drive, which was so tough, because it had chapters for some of my other stories written under different pen names as well (not to mention all my essays, homework, etc!), and I'm just not motived to rewrite all of it. I love extraordinary love stories with interesting plots and twists, which is why I usually only read Draco/Hermione and Severus/Lily, and I don't like the extremely canon-based ships because they're just too mundane for my tastes. Some people think D/Hr is completely not plausible because it's just too out there, and likewise for SS/LE (although this has been remedied somewhat by Deathly Hallows), but honestly, no great love stories are ever boring and commonplace. I mean, think about Romeo and Juliet (families are enemies, falling in love in like three days? right...!!), or Wuthering Heights (my absolute favorite novel ever, so many parallels to Snape & Lily), or the Great Gatsby and so on, and it's only the extraordinary loves stories, full of such powerful love and such soul-wrenching, heart-numbing pain, that are ever really remembered. I am also a shameless TV-whore, which is so awful because I don't get anything else done, and I'm going to fail my classes and my MCATs. Basically, I watch everything: Heroes, House, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Dirty Sexy Money, The Amazing Race, Pushing Daisies, Greek, The Bachelor, SVU, Doctor 90210, Battlestar Galactica, Veronica Mars, Beauty and the Geek, America's Next Top Model, and basically anything else like that... ...except stupid shows like Laguna Beach or The Real World, or anything else on MTV or VH1 that's totally worthless and gag-worthy. Can we pay our writers more already? I want my shows back! BEST Severus/Lily video EVER== http://youtube.com/watch?v=luZtZXVSHHc I freaked out when I tried to find it yesterday and Youtube deleted it for some reason, but I googled it like crazy, and I found that it's been reposted under another account. Thank god, because it's the best one out there! So amazingly powerful and gut-wrenching... DECEMBER LULLABY: Discontinued, basically, unless I get really inspired, which probably isn't going to happen. I had like a few chapters written a few years back and then my computer crashed and I lost my hard drive...so...yeah. POMEGRANATE: This is a story that has been brewing in my mind for YEARS. It's basically a relash against all the Hermione stories that have her discover she's actually adopted and that she's a pureblood or something along those lines. I hate those stories - to this date I haven't read a good one, because in all of them, she like automatically renounces her adoptive parents, moves in with her real parents without any qualms, and decides to turn evil/slutty in a split second. Um...yeah that bothers me because adopted kids would NOT do that. Parent-child love is a hell of a lot stronger than that. It's not written yet...and I really wanna write it...but I also want to concentrate on Absolution, so we'll see. ABSOLUTION: I came up with the idea for this story a WAY long time ago, probably in 2003 or so, but never got around to writing it until now. So I want Ethan to look like the boy from The Mummy Returns. He is sooooo adorable in the movies and he has the cutest lines! Pictures don't do him justice, but here are some you can see: http:///stars/boath/boath_index.htm Questions Answered: Actually, I really hate D/Hr rape stories. Like, most of them gross me the eff out! They're smutty and nasty, and just all-around disrespectful to people who've actually been in those situations. Like, wtf, a woman isn't gonna get turned on when she gets raped, okay? Period. She is not going to fall in love with her rapist. Period. Okay...I'm such a hypocrite...because here I am writing one. I just want to clarify that the rape scene in the Prologue is not meant to be smutty at all, whatsoever. I wanted to portray it as a brutal crime - which it is. I've also read some really sick stories where Draco is "in love" with Hermione, and so he rapes her, and he apologizes and she forgives him because he loves her and she decides she loves him too. Um...NO. No guy who loves you will rape you. That's called lust. Not love. It kind of disturbs me that there's people out there who think rape can be justified in the name of "love." Ugh. I think the reason Draco didn't realize Hermione's son is his was right away when he found out that his blood matched Scorpius's is because it's possible for non-related people to be matches, and it came as such a surprise that the first thing that came to his mind was that it was bad karma that came to bite him in the ass rather than really seeing like the logistics of the situation. Also, people who rape people as torture don't really like think about getting them pregnant, you know what I mean? Like, I honestly don't think it occurs to them - especially since he left her for dead anyways. Like you know, people who have consensual sex will use birth control or whatnot, and they worry endlessly about getting pregnant (like all the effing time, no kidding!), but I just don't think a rapist, especially in this sort of situation, would really think about it. It was more about the torture and humiliation to try to break a prisoner. Which is really sick. I also did some research before writing this fic, lol, and apparently only a very teeny tiny small percentage of women who are raped get pregnant anyhow. But I think that's why Draco never really considered the fact that Hermione could have had his child. The name Scorpius is taken from the DH Epilogue because that's what Draco names his son in canon, and I figure it's as good as any and better than most. |