![]() Author has written 1 story for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sailor Moon. What's up everyone! SEGA Fan BOSS here. I'm 25 years old and am an avid fan of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, DBZ, and other types of anime and anime-related stuff. I'm also a big sci-fi fan with Doctor Who being my favorite. I've got plans for writing fics for Sonic and Sailor Moon in the future, but for the time being I will be working on a main series trilogy called Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon, and will more than likely spawn several small stories after the trilogy is finished. The first installment is Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon, which naturally serves as the origin story of the trilogy. Chronologically it takes place after Worlds Unite for Sonic and after Sailor Moon S for Sailor Moon. Since it does involve the Super Genesis Wave from the Sonic series it allows for a great deal of freer movement idea-wise. Now while this is the first installment for my trilogy, it's actually the second story I have actually worked on because I was working on the second installment first. Speaking of... The second installment is Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon: No Limits! which takes place about 3 months after the first installment. No Limits is the first one I actually began work on, so it's already well in development. I can definitely say this one is like my pride and joy, but I will not release it until I am nearly finished with the first in the trilogy. The third installment hasn't even been in development yet as of this time except for the title. It will take place approximately seven months after No Limits! and thus 8.5 months after the first installment, and it will be called Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon: Ruler of Chaos. Also, despite my liking towards other anime like Yu-Gi-Oh!, DBZ, etc, I will not be writing fics about those any time soon. Not saying I won't, but not any time soon. That's pretty much all I have to say for right now, so until then, have a great day and be safe! :) PROFILE UPDATE Nothing major, but I did want to point out that by this time I have come up with a story for the third installment of Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon, and due to that I have changed its name to Sonic The Hedgehog-Sailor Moon: Grand Convergence. |