Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. I'm a person who writes bad stories, or something like that. read my old stories at your own risk; they make me cry inside. all pictures attributed to my works are mine in every sense of the word. acc. intended for TR/HP (LV/HP) only. i'm aware that i have absolutely no bloody schedule. sorry. deeply sincerely sorry. but thank you all for your patience. i'm getting there. As of Nov 7: I promise that I'm still alive! Third Time needs a lot of work and rework and I'm needing to scrap the original plan in lieu of what a lot of you guys have said about the plot. TR/HP holds a very special, dear place in my heart and I promise — even if it's promise to myself, really — that I'll finish it. Still alive as of 17 Feb 2018. omw. Thank you for all your patience! |