Author has written 7 stories for Naruto. I am the violent paranoia that is The Infamous Jack. My pen name is not a reference to any person, real or fictitious, nor to any particular film or industry. I am The Infamous Jack. Information: Being adamently paranoid, I tend not to give much information out, especially online. I'm male, if you haven't already guessed, attending university in the States, and working on becoming a journalist. I am a fan of the series Naruto, but not the title character himself. I have yet to publish anything in the various other fandoms I enjoy (including Bleach, Firefly, the works of the late, great Douglas Adams and, of course, Tolkien). Very few things please me more than requests for fanfiction, though I do ask that you try and remain within the fandoms I listed above (or, perhaps, something I'm not familiar with but you think I'd enjoy). I intensely dislike Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, however,so please do not request anything in these catagories. Also note I do not write yaoi, yuri, or crossovers. I consider myself a purist. Instructions: I do not want reviews that haphazardly praise me for my writing abilities or stories in general. I appreciate that you enjoy my work, but I cannot write simply for praise. God makes me the writer that I am, and so I have no need for it. I know exactly how awesome I am, and thus do not need to be told. If you feel compelled to compliment my work, please be sure to say what about it you enjoyed: the style, the characterization, the language, the vocabulary, the social interactions, etc. Generic, gratuitous praise does not provide me with workable feedback and only serves to empower my already-overactive ego. Rather, I would not only appreciate but, in fact, adore any reviews I recieve that provide feedback, criticism, comments, suggestions,and especially requests. Tell me what you want to see, and I will, if I so choose, deliver. I write here for practice, to become a better writer and to see what I like to include in my style and technique. Feedback is one of the most potent methods toward this goal, so any legitimate critique of my work you can make will be welcomed graciously. I do not support flames, which are counter-productive. If you want to say I should change my style of writing, include suggestions. Also, please note that "go to hell" is not a legitimate suggestion. Many thanks to all of my loyal, and disloyal, readers out there. To those who leave reviews, I give my most sincere thanks. If you have left me a review that is either gratuitous praise or reckless flaming, I hold no grudge and wholeheartedly thank you. I am grateful for the attention, as any writer should be. Next time, though, please be specific in what you do or do not like. It helps me tremendously. P.S. Though I am likely to comment on spelling and grammar reviews I give, I am just as likely to misspell something or make a grammatical error in that same review. No, this does not make me a hypocrite, as a review is less a form of literature than the review screen is a form of word processor. What's your excuse? Updates a/o 08-16-06- Hail, my triumphant return! Yes, I'm back after a semester of hell and a summer of hardship. I won't go into details, suffice to say that at least six medical procedures were involved, most of them mine. I haven't had a lot of time for writing, though I have been planning a massive project with a good friend of mine who shall be known (with startling propriety) as Van the Enigma. I have been cut off from communication from him due to technical and economic arrangements, but I'm back in my winter home in the beautiful United States and will soon be updating such beloved stories as "The Secret of the Jacket" and, more importantly, "Legacy." As a teaser, I will drop occasional hints to those interested in my upcoming epic fanfiction, which should premiere by the end of the year. I have insulted 'original character' stories for a long time now due to their formulatic composition. With the help of Van and his inspiring creativity, I am creating an OC story that will break the mold (assuming I don't sully his vision with my character bias). Also, I simply cannot believe this reaction for "Thoughtful Nonsense." Allow me to explain this story; I wrote it as a gift to a very sweet friend of mine who, in all her girlish devilry, asked for a NaruHina fic. I couldn't very well say no, and thus it was composed. I used this opportunity to strike a blow against the NaruHina community, who support what I consider an unholy and unnatural love. The recipient of the gift enjoyed it, and the NaruHina community hates me. I have, thus, completed both of my objectives and will not ammend this story further. Thank you, and good night. |