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Joined 11-28-04, id: 711226
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.

Nom: Jeff

age: 18

occupation: upcoming Senior in highschool

favorite activities: skateboarding, playing piano (not well since i am teaching myself at the moment) baseball, and pretty much any sport out there within reason

location: Paducah, KY in the USA

Subject i will be majoring in: French!

anyways... i have been addicted to fan fiction since i was waiting for OotP to come out.. great way to pass the time.. anywho, i have read a lot of stories since then, and very few of them had everything i would want in a fic: grey!harry manipulative!dumbledore super!harry harry as a necromancer, dark harry... things like that. to my dismay, the very good stories i read either have been abandoned or the time between updates is so long that i just stop reading them.

Parings I like:

H/HR (oh i still have that oh so small speck of hope)



Parings i dislike:

H/LV (i mean come on! one of them is going to kill the other!)


I have nothing against slash fics... as long as they are not too graphic and does not contain mpreg. Seriously... how in the 9 levels of hell can a guy get pregnant. not possible. (makes me wish i knew what mpreg ment whenever i first started reading fan fiction shivvers)

ok... I am in the process of writing a story... its my first one, so i dont know how it will turn out. As of now, there will be no pairings, considering when i tried to write one in the past, it turned out to be x-rated (i didnt even type it.. all on lined paper) so i will be safe and not have that romance.. but i reserve the right to change my mind. sighs ah, the perks of being a writer :-D

The story does not have a title as of yet, but it will have elements like grey harry and manipulative dumbledore... i seem to like those stories the best.

I will also try to make the story as long as possible without being too tedious on me. I realized not too long ago how long 100,000 words actually is. it would be a miricle if I got that far. but who knows. Considering summer break is coming up, i will be able to write more, so just be paitent, mes amies!

oh yeah... before i forget.. i will probably need a beta for this... considering english isnt really my strong suit. cough cough its French cough cough

Music I like:

Classical- Bach- Prelude No.1 in C major, Chopin- Scherzo in B Flat minor/D flat major (op.31), Mozart-Fantasy (think.. twinkle twinkle little star.. except its 9 minutes long with different variations of the melody). Beethoven- Pathetique Sonata I... Grave-Allegro di molto e con brio, II... Adagio Cantabile, and III...Rondo. Allegro.

The 3 movements of the pathetique sonata is what i am learning to play right now on my keyboard, and if you have ever heard it, you can imagine how difficult it would be to try to play it, but before i die ( i think i have plenty of time) i shall play it all the way through.

Rock: Metallica

Favorite movies:

SLC Punk

All 3 Monty Python movies

Shaun of the Dead

Spinal Tap


The History of the World Part 1

the Boondock Saints

and a lot of others that i dont feel like typing

Favorite Books

HP duh Except for the 6th. didn't really work for me.

Eragon sooo much better then the movie. I could write a dissertation on how badly the movie sucked

The Count of Monte Cristo

Le Petit Prince

The Man in the Iron Mask

and so on, into infinity.

Favorite Games

Final Fantasy III for DS

Final Fantasy X and X-2 for ps2 (dont care that alot of people dislike X-2)

Final Fantasy XII

Kingdom Hearts II

and others... but can you tell I like Final Fantasy? xP

UPDATE- July 22-

D'accord! Well... long time no... er see? anywho, its been about 2 months since I have updated my story, for the simple reason that my muse is somewhat gone. I still have the story saved on my computer, so i might be updating sometime (mabye before school starts). if not before school starts, then during, since I am taking 2 choir classes (chamber and concert) and a p.e./health class. Alg. 3, AP french and Eng. IV are also included, but with only 3 actual classes (first 3 easy A) ill be sure to have some time to update.

But if that doesn't work out, I may do a different story since HP DH came out, but we shall see, mes amies!


I knew Dumbledore was a manipulating SOB! xP

until next time!


Long Gone by WritingOnMyWall reviews
IF YOU HAVE NOT READ DEATHLY HALLOWS, YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ THIS! What would have happened if Ron had left on the trio's hunt for the horcruxes...and never come back? Will Harry and Hermione find a connection deeper than they thought possible? HHR
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AU. Grey!Harry, Manipulative!Dumbledore. Harry finds out that his whole life has been one huge manipulation. and he's out to settle it... on his own terms, and if he can have fun while doing that, so much the better!
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