Spyro and Cynder lover
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Joined 09-02-15, id: 7100774, Profile Updated: 08-01-20
Author has written 2 stories for Spyro the Dragon.

Welcome, please scan your first item... I mean, welcome, to Jurassic Park... Ugh! I just mean Welcome. Here you will find almost everything you need to know about my book that I call: The Legend Of Spyro: Love and War.

If anyone else thinks that the legend of Spyro series was cut short and you really want to see the series continue, you are in the right place. The new story I'm working on is, The legend of Spyro: Love and War. If you ever have any good advice, I would love to hear it. It will help me make the story as great as possible.

Update Stuff:

Two really quick updates, one being an apology and another being a normal update. First, the apology. I'm sorry to all of you for having to push the date back after the factory reset and failure of my device. I tried my hardest to try and get things back to what they were before the end of July to release the Chapter, but with the reset, it also made it so all the Characters names, places, and locations were red in underline so I had to re-add them into the dictionary on my device. I tried my hardest to get the Chapter out quick, read up, fix it up, and upload it as soon as I could. I will try my hardest to get back and to continue to provide for all of you. Thank you all for the support, and without you all, this wouldn't be possible! :D

Normal update: I really want to go back and have some fun with these Chapters. I really enjoyed the fun joking side, and with how emotional this chapter and the next will be, I have jokes locked and loaded. Also, I'm now added to some group for having a LONG ass book! Hell yeah! Also, did anyone else know there were AD's ON FANFIC?! When did this happen?! That literally means, no matter where you go, there's an ad. Video game: Ad. Hulu: Ad. Youtube: Ad. And now Fanfiction?! Really takes you out the moment when you're reading and you get a FAT ASS Ad for bras or something... not that I'd... know... just an example... Enjoy the Chapter though!

Expected Release Date For Book 2 Chapter 35 Of Love And War:


New Chapter(s) released:

Chapter 34: And A Revolution

Road Map for Book One And Fixing It:

- Chapters for book 1 I have to go back and remaster: 3, 8, 10-19, and maybe 20 and 21... I wasn't the writer I was today... sorry

- Making Cynder more of a badass as she was instead of a nearly crippling desperation. There will still be moments here and here, but it'll be a lot less toned down.

- Fixing the interaction with Mist and her making the parents joke. It was blasted on rather weirdly, so I'm making a change as to why she feels this way.

- Fixing Character interactions between one another. Example is when Spyro comforts Cynder, though it's his words that makes a weird and sudden change, even though she was the one who was supposed to make it.

- Fixing the writing.

- Bring down Sparks and his obsession with joking about Cynder becoming mates with Spyro.

- Fixing the poison Chapter where Cynder wishes to know why she belongs.

- Fixing the very end Chapter as there's three times Spyro jokes with Cynder about leaving as I didn't have an idea of what that last Chapter was to be.

- Adding more story, changing Malefor into him becoming himself once he meets the fake Carith at the Dragon Temple, making more of an emotional attachment to that of what's happened, bringing up Ersa as a character, and taking away some of the strange love between Spyro and Cynder, such as her riding on his back to go and help Mist.

- Other Changes I shall take into a count as I will go back through review to help make the book even better then it was before, along with making changes to Malefor and his depression for what he's done to the world.

Fun Facts About My The Stories

1) I never intended for Malefor to live in the end. I thought it would end up with him just dying and everything would go back to normal. But half way through, I was listing to a nine lashes song called heart beat which gave me the idea for Carith's Character. That's why half way through, I introduced her, and also why in the remastered Chapters, they are talked about more unlike in the regular ones.

2) Most Chapters that I made were made at my school. Because History was a pretty boring subject, or I think it was civics, I always carried around a red little book to write chapters such as the second, third and fourth. Which also explains the inconsistency with the Character emotions.

3) I never really planned to have a real story. Going back to the whole, Malefor dies at the end, I only thought about Spyro and Cynder and that was it. After the ending, I couldn't live anywhere without a box of tissue from remembering the... that... part... sadness. But the more I worked on it, the more I learned, the better my writing got as well as the story... I believe.

4) Because I didn't really make this a story until later on, that also explains the reason the Guardians were never put in during their adventure back to Warfang because I just wanted it to be Spyro and Cynder. And because I didn't really have a story, that's why the Chapters were so short, and they got bigger as I progressed.

5) The fights between Sparks and Cynder were because I honestly had nothing else for them to talk about, which is another reason I went back and redid the Chapters to give it more story and less... I guess you could say laziness.

6) The room that Malefor and Carith lay together in Spyro and Cynder's house was never intended. I just didn't really have many ideas for what should be in all the rooms and that just came to mind and I got lucky.

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The Legend Of Spyro: Love And War Book 2 reviews
Continuation Of Book One! With Malefor returned to normal, Spyro and Cynder in love, and everyone now back to their normal lives, another threat, Flint, the new Dark Master will put everyone and friendships to the test, mixing lies and threats against one another. Death is around every corner, lives at risk, and sometimes, not even being dead means you're forgotten.
Spyro the Dragon - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 856,904 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 8/1 - Published: 9/1/2018 - Spyro, Cynder, Malefor/The Dark Master
The Legend Of Spyro: Love And War reviews
If you loved someone, how far would you go? If that someone loved you back, what would you do? Even after Cynder confessed her love for Spyro, he unfortunately doesn't hear. What would happen if more company showed up and ruined it, or what if they made it better? What if all it takes to tell someone you love them is War, or just a special moment. Book Two Is a Continuation Of One!
Spyro the Dragon - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 397,115 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 11/2/2019 - Published: 4/25/2016 - [Spyro, Cynder] Sparx - Complete