Author has written 2 stories for Pitch Perfect. English isn't my first language so whatever comment or help is greatly welcomed. I'll do my best anyway. Even if I'm an hardcore Dramione fan, I'll probably write just about femslash so if it's not your thing, remember, you're not obliged to read my stories. I'm sure you can find many other stories more in tune with what you like. Sadly, the characters are not mine but belong to the respective authors. I'm just borrowing them for a while. Bechloe and Faberry are my first choiches but it's not said I'll not find other couples to fangirl about. Meanwhile, stay awesome! And if you have an account on Deviant Art, you can find me there as well: loriandill dot deviantart dot com FanArts made for 1838: ffpse dot tumblr dot com - Fan Art made by wms5012, follow her tumblr! http : / / loriandill dot deviantart dot com / art / PP-1838-Aubrey-566937423 |
Elly-Bells (25) icewaterdrive (6) InvisiMeg (23) | Lyta Halifax (25) MrSchimpf (27) peabee (12) | Redlance-ck (183) |