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Joined 11-14-04, id: 704763, Profile Updated: 05-05-09
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.

A Bit About My Self

... ... ... ... ducks

Yes im still alive and kicking. Sorry i havent updated in a long time, i dont really have an exscuse for it -_-' just havent had the motivation. I havent given up on the story, i get way to many review even to this day to give up on it. Which may i add i LOVE huggles all my reviewers. I'll try get back to writing the story at somestage but untill that time i hope you can put up with me =P. Anyway till next time, Ja.

Name: I shall be known as Kichiko

A bit about me: Hmm lets see, im still sooooo in love with the Naruto fandom but at the moment i am soooo a NaruSasu fan. I still love SasuNaru but come on stop making Naruto all girly, theres already 50 billion storys like that. Im into the whole handsom/charming Naruto thing drools. Ok little rant over, just my little added push to get more NaruSasu storys out there =P.

My fav characters in no paticular orderare:

Sasuke U.

Naruto U.

Kiba I.

Itachi U.


Kakashi H.

Random stuff (includes spoilers)

Omg whats up with the story now, its all kinda wak latly. Sasuke what are you doing, go back to Naruto already T.T

Side note:

I dont spell the best but meh, im sure you can put up with typo's, and as a plus you can get some laughs from them =D

Into The Darkness reviews
Sasuke is in a mental clinic and Naruto is just a school boy. What happens when they cross paths. SasuNaru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 11 - Words: 15,748 - Reviews: 315 - Favs: 219 - Follows: 288 - Updated: 8/19/2007 - Published: 3/28/2006 - Sasuke U., Naruto U.