Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Konibanwa Bitches!!! This is Slasher Incorporated, a small group of people who, well, like slashy stuff, be it art or fics.BlackRaven13- she's the one who actually took the time to make this account and e-mail account for us. She's a Snape fanatic. She also likes Draco, but not as much as Snape. She's also obssessed with the band AFI, especially Davey Havok. She spent over an hour looking for pictures of Davey. She found some scarry ones! Raven Links http:///angels_of_divinity/ RAVEN'S PICS OF DAVEY HAVOK!! http:///V123/N27/riverrave3DONE.jpg http:///singthesorrow23/davey1.jpg http:///singthesorrow23/davey4.jpg http:///singthesorrow23/davey13.jpg http:///singthesorrow23/davey25.jpg (I love Davey!! ^_^) Jean-Claude Iscarot - That's me. I'm the only male in the group. Trust me, it isn't THAT great to be partnered with two crazy females! (you know you love us!) But I can't talk since I'm just as nuts. I'm obssesed with BtVS, and huge otaku. I'm the one who came up with the idea of a collective account. I'm also the guy who loves lookin at slasher art. It's so funny!^^ Jean-Claude's Links http:///darkhaven/ http:/// Cherry0214 - She's the other one of us. She's a Draco/Harry slasher through and through. She's the one who came up with some awsome story ideas for us to write. I think Raven and I would be lost without her. But, we kinda are lost with her anyways!^^ |