Author has written 7 stories for Song of the Lioness, and Harry Potter. A little about me,Name: Courtney Stories: Royalties Of Darkness: Still in the works, look for an update soon. Unlikely Couple: Dont know when it will be updated, but its just a bunch of one shots, so enjoy Elbow To The Gut: Complete Hidden Past: One ch left, thanks to all my readers. One Week, One Wish, One Hero: REMOVED... sorry for anyone who enjoyed the story... i didnt, anyone who wishes to take the idea, FEEL FREE!!! JUst drop me a line, i'd love to see where you take it. The Threat of a Love: I STILL AM WRITING THIS FIC. But im jsut taking my sweet ass time. Musical Confessions: Complete. Thanks so much to everyone who reads and enjoys my fics, and even to thoes who dont, a little cirtisim never hurt anyone. Remember stay positive, cause sh*t can always get worse. HELLS ANGEL |