Author has written 6 stories for Bayonetta, Avengers, and Persona Series. Hello to all! I am qwertykid, sometimes known as YoungPyroDude and I am an aspiring writer with a plethora of interests. Being a major fan of the Bayonetta series, that area is where I will be focusing my writing towards; not limited to but including my three part series of Eclipse, Solar Flare and Blood Moon. Various short stories about the series or my trilogy can be things I do upload, but that is dependant on whether I get inspiration. Aside from that, I am hoping to write out a multiverse that connects all my favourite games, movies and TV shows together as one, starting with Persona 5 and continuing on with Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts and Metroid My Avengers one-shots or short stories will be my second most visited genre, mostly featuring everyone's favourite spider or my personal favourite character, Captain Marvel. Asides from those, expect some original forays into the following eventually, that do not contain the reccurring OC, Sephiroth/Damien: - Persona 5 Happy readings! Finished Stories: Stories in Writing: |