Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars Rebels, and Legend of Korra. WARNING: Lot's of swearing, mentions of sex and everything else "mature" will be in almost everything I write. I don't really care what age you are, but don't hold me responsible for your parents walking in on you reading this shit. I'll fucking cut you deep in your poopy pants. "FanFiction is amazing! I mean, we all know they fucked before she died, and if they didn't, I'm writing it!" -Some Guy, 2012 I am "The Geeky Journalist". I didn't come up with the name, I found the name on the driver's license I stole from my granddaughter... That was a joke please don't call the cops. Anyways... I write lots of porn. Though currently I only have one story out covering Star Wars Rebels. If you must know - however - I do plan to write porn for lots of other things like: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend Of Korra Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Star Wars Original Trilogy Star Wars Sequel Trilogy The Legend Of Zelda How To Train Your Dragon (1, 2, Riders/Defenders Of Berk) The Elder Scrolls Series Back To The FuturePlease recommend any other series you want me to spray porn on. Well now take a moment to see my "ships" from the previous listed franchises. Or you can skip it like I do with every other author of every story. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang x Katara Aang x Suki Katara x Suki Katara x Azula Azula x Suki Aang x Azula Sokka x Suki Sokka x Toph Zuko x Suki Azula x TophThe Legend Of Korra: Korra x Asami Korra x Bolin Korra x Opal Korra x Lin Bolin x Opal Bolin x Eska Opal x Eska Tenzin x Lin Tenzin x Suyin Korra x Tenzin Bolin x Asami Opal x Jinora Jinora x Kai Opal x Suyin Suyin x Lin Korra x Suyin Asami x Opal Kuvira x Korra Kuvira x Opal Kuvira x Bolin Kuvira x Baatar Jr Kuvira x Jinora Kuvira x Asami Kuvira x Ming-Hua Kuvira x P'Li Kuvira x Suyin Ming-Hua x P'Li Ming-Hua x Ghazan Zaheer x Korra Kya x Lin Kya x Suyin Kya x Korra Kya x Ming-Hua Kya x Jinora (I'M PRETTY MUCH CONFIRMING I'LL BE MAKING A LEGEND OF KORRA PORN STORY SOON, BECAUSE I LOVE ALL THE WOMEN! I WANT TO FUCK THEM ALL!)Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Ahsoka x Padme Anakin x Padme Anakin x Ahsoka Ahsoka x Obi Wan Obi Wan x Satine Ahsoka x Barriss Ahsoka x Ventress Ahsoka x Rex Padme x RexHow To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup x Astrid Astrid x Ruffnut Astrid x Heather Hiccup x HeatherStar Wars Rebels: Sabine x Hera Sabine x Ezra Sabine x Ahsoka Hera x Kanan Hera x Ahsoka Ahsoka x Kanan Ahsoka x Ezra Ezra x Hera Zeb x HeraOkay... I'm bored of writing this now. I'm gonna go jerk around. |