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Poll: Should Betrayal: The Trial Games be told from a first-person perspective (with POVs switching between the characters) or a third-person perspective (similar to how the prologue is written)? Vote Now!
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Joined 12-26-14, id: 6370202, Profile Updated: 07-31-20
Author has written 2 stories for Hunger Games.

Hello, I'm Nick!

I've been writing fan fictions for over five years about the Hunger Games, but I used a different outlet to post my work. However, since this aforementioned outlet is losing its popularity, I am beginning to shift over to this website.

On my profile, you will find all the information about my current series. This will be regularly updated whenever I post new chapters.

Update Log

Anguish: The 21st Hunger Games - last updated on June 24th

Betrayal: The Test Games - lasted updated on July 27th

Caducity: The 22nd Hunger Games - announced; published on TBD




1. Users may submit up to 3 tributes. Having 3 tributes does not mean that one of them will be a bloodbath victim, and having 1 tribute does not guarantee that they will survive the bloodbath. Tributes will survive based on three factors: (1.) how fascinating the tribute is, (2.) if the tribute has a potential storyline, and (3.) how interactive the user is with the Games.

2. Submission are first-come, first-serve. However, I have the right to deny any tribute with or without an explanation.

3. Reservations are allowed. They will have a loose deadline of 3 days from its creation. After this 3 day period, I will reach out to the user to ensure that they are still interested in submitting a tribute. If not, the spot will reopen.

4. Please note that these Games will be published on two platforms. Therefore, users from both platforms are allowed to submit tributes. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you ask for a reservation (with at least one back up) before submitting a tribute.

5. Tributes should be submitted via PM. Tributes sent in reviews will not be accepted.

6. All bolded fields must be included in order for the tribute to be accepted (except the strategy section).

7. Please read the following section to ensure the character aligns with this proper universe. Tributes that do not align with this universe will automatically be denied.

Universe Background

In 1597 P.A., the Hunger Games were abolished following the destruction of the 75th Hunger Games' arena. For 43 years, the Capitol Loyalists stayed in the shadows, playing into the Rebels' dream that Panem could have a democratic government without a strong authority figure. But they knew the country was only staying together because of Katniss Everdeen. She was the patriot, the icon, the symbol of freedom. Not a single person could maintain the country's feigned democracy without her. Sooner or later, they knew everyone would understand that the Capitol's rule was necessary for survival.

In 1640 P.A., Katniss Everdeen died. She was survived by her two children, but they would never hold the same authority as their mother. This allowed the Loyalists to go on the offense, catching the Rebels off-guard. Each district is in their own state of chaos and warfare:

The Capitol has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, but not without some costs. Its current occupants are in a constant state of fear, as the Rebels have focused on destroying the Loyalists' occupation in this city. The President's Mansion, the City Circle, and many residential areas have been heavily bombed and are considered a hazardous area to be around. Most children have stationed themselves in the outskirts of the city and behind the Loyalists' lines for safety.

District 1 has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, being the third district to fully fall under the Loyalists' control. Its current occupants are very mixed in terms of whether they side with the Loyalists or the Rebels, yet very few vocally side with the Rebels. The City Square has been bombed, but the rest of the district's infrastructure is relatively unharmed. Although the occupants are not able to resume their daily lives, most children are able to stay at their home without fearing for their safety.

District 2 has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, being the first district to fully fall under the Loyalists' control. Although many people fighting for the Loyalists originate from District 2, its infrastructure has not been heavily impacted from the war due to the Rebels' strategy of focusing on the Capitol. Although the occupants are not able to resume their daily lives, most children are able to stay at their home without fearing for their safety.

District 3 has maintained its majority of Rebel occupants. However, this has caused the district to be one of the large battlegrounds of this war. The City Square and Mayor's Mansion have been bombed, schools have been turned into bunkers, and residential areas have been deserted. Most of the children are living on the streets and in alleys as their parents are fighting in the war.

District 4 is in the midst of being reclaimed by the Loyalists, but it has been a difficult campaign due to the districts' strong Rebels presence. Its pre-war citizens are evenly divided between siding with the Loyalists and the Rebels. This has allowed the Loyalists to claim the southern part of the district, whereas the Rebels claim the northern part. Most of the children are maintaining their safety by hiding behind the line of their parents' respective side.

District 5 has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, being the second district to fully fall under the Loyalists' control. Because many Capitolites moved to the district after the Second Rebellion, most of its pre-war citizens aligned with the Loyalists when the war began. One of its five hydroelectric dams have been bombed, but the other four are functioning. The rest of its infrastructure remains relatively unharmed. Although the occupants are not able to resume their daily lives, most children are able to stay at their home without fearing for their safety.

District 6 has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, being the fifth district to fully fall under the Loyalists' control. Most of its railroads have been bombed by the Loyalists to prevent the Rebels from sending troops to other districts. However, the rest of the district remains relatively unharmed. Although the occupants are not able to resume their daily lives, most children are able to stay at their home without fearing for their safety.

District 7 is in the midst of being reclaimed by the Loyalists, but it has been a difficult campaign due to the districts' strong Rebels presence. With District 9 being reclaimed by the Loyalists, the Rebels have been attacked from both their eastern and their southern borders. Unlike District 4 who is in the same condition, most of its pre-war occupants sided with the Rebels. The Rebels have been able to use the natural landscape to their advantage, but the Loyalists have begun to burn trees for the sake of destroying the Rebels' hiding places. Most children are living in the forest despite its state as a battleground, using the trees to hide from both Rebels and Loyalists' troops.

District 8 has been struggling for either the Loyalists or the Rebels to claim a majority. Its largest textile factory was destroyed by the Loyalists, yet this did not deter the Rebels' spirit. Both residential and commercial areas alike are in ruins from the war. Because of the constant warfare, most children have become separated from their parents and are struggling to find a safe place for shelter.

District 9 has been reclaimed by the Loyalists, being the fourth district to fully fall under the Loyalists' control. However, it was heavily damaged due to the war. The City Square, Mayor's Mansion, and most of its commercial areas were bombed. Almost all of their wheat fields have been burned down by the Loyalists in order to regain control of the district. The children are scattered around the district, yet most seem to be avoiding both Rebels and Loyalists' troops.

District 10 has been struggling for either the Loyalists or the Rebels to claim a majority. When the Loyalists began their attack, the Rebels released all of their livestock in hopes of using it as a distraction. Due to its rural landscape, the district has not been subject to many bombs. However, there never seems to be a lull in gunshots, and animal corpses are scattered around the district. While some of the children have been living on the streets by hiding in undesirable areas (such as inside animal corpses or under manure), some have been able to hide behind the lines of their respective parents' side.

District 11 is about to slip into the Loyalists' hands, which would make it the sixth district to fall under the Loyalists' control. Although most pre-war citizens aligned with the Rebels, the Loyalists have burned most of their plantations, effectively eliminating their source of food. With limited supplies, the Rebels are about to surrender to the Loyalists. The children are finding safety through three different measures: some are hiding in the burned ruins of plantations, some are hiding with their parents behind the Rebels' lines, and some have surrendered to the Loyalists for the sake of food.

District 12 has maintained its Rebels majority. However, this has caused the district to be one of the large battlegrounds of this war. The City Square and Mayor's Mansion have been bombed, coal mines have been turned into bomb safety zones, and residential areas have been deserted. All of the remaining children are living on the streets. Although some children were sheltered in one of the mines, its entrance and exit was blocked due to a recent bomb, so those occupants were presumed deceased.

District 13 has maintained its Rebels majority. However, due to their distance from the Capitol, it is not as large of a battleground as Districts Three or Twelve. Because of their previous conditions of living underground between the First and the Second Rebellion, many occupants have shifted to the underground lifestyle. Only troops are allowed above the ground, as its reconstructed infrastructure has been completely destroyed from bombs. Nevertheless, while most children are hiding underground with their families, some children are scattered along the district's outskirts in an attempt to distance themselves from the war.

This is the current nature of Panem. To further prove that the Loyalists are fighting the correct battle, twenty-four children, a male and a female from the Capitol and each of the thirteen districts, between the ages of 12 and 18, have been kidnapped. They are the experiment. They will be sent into a previous arena without a reaping, training, and interview. There will be no mentors, no sponsors, and no mutations. Because only the most influential Loyalist advocates will have access to these Games, the only similarity between these and the first generation of Hunger Games will be the murders and the betting.

This is an experiment to prove that the lawless nature that the Rebels have established will not last.

The Loyalists have ensured that they will be successful.


Basic Information

Name: (first and last name, include nickname if applicable)

Age: (12 to 18)

District: (The Capitol or Districts 1-13, include alternates)

Gender: (male, female, or nonbinary) (include pronouns)

Sexuality: (e.g., heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, etc.) (if romantic orientation does not align with sexual orientation, please make note of it)

Personality: (preferred in sentence format, recommended at least 100 words; a list of traits will also be accepted, albeit not preferred)

Fatal Flaw(1*): (i.e., a mental weakness that may hypothetically lead to the tribute's downfall; e.g., unwavering sympathy, low self-esteem, ambition, reckless persistence, etc.) (an explanation is preferred, but optional)

Backstory/History(2*): (preferred in sentence format)

Loyalist or Rebel?: (Loyalists are fighting for the Capitol to be in power again, as they believe the central government is needed for the other districts to properly function and perform their duties; Rebels are fighting for complete democracy of Panem, as they believe the districts should do whatever they desire to do)

Habits/Mannerisms: (e.g., bites their nails when stressed, chews their lip when nervous, etc.)

Dominant Hand: (right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous)

Other Information: (e.g., birthday, preferences, etc.)


Skin Tone: (do not use food words to describe skin tone)

Race: (e.g., Caucasian, African-American, Asian, American Indian or Native American, etc.)

Hair Color: (e.g., blond or blonde, brown, black, etc.)

Hair Length: (e.g., shaved, shoulder-length, armpit-length, etc.)

Hair Style: (e.g., styled in a pompadour, usually pulled in ponytails, etc.) (include natural state, such as straight, wavy, curly, coiled, etc.)

Eye Color: (e.g., brown, blue, green, gray, etc.)

Build: (e.g., slim, toned, muscular, obese, etc.)

Height: (in feet and inches)

Noticeable Features: (e.g., scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.)

Image: (state a face claim or provide an image) (depending on its quality, the image may be replaced at my discretion)

Hunger Games Information

Primary Weapon: (select only one main weapon)

Alternate Weapon: (optional, select only one alternate weapon)

Strengths: (no maximum number, but should be reasonable for your tribute)

Weaknesses: (no minimum number required, but should be reasonable for your tribute)

Fears: (no minimum number, but should be reasonable for your tribute)


Open to Allies?: (you may include specific requests or general traits your tribute is looking for)

Bloodbath Strategy: (will they attend the bloodbath? grab something from the outskirts and flee? what will they do if another tribute attacks them?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Arena Strategy: (will they hunt for tributes? will they stick with their allies? will they leave their allies eventually?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Feast Strategy: (will they attend? if so, will they focus on getting items or attacking others?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Finale Strategy: (how would they fight? would they try setting up traps? will they focus on overpowering the other tribute?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)



(1*) The fatal flaw should be a part of the tribute's personality that may unintentionally cause issues. This includes positive personality characteristics, such as kindness towards everyone and extreme loyalty. Essentially, it should be the one personality characteristic that could always be used to describe the tribute. If you cannot figure out your tribute's fatal flaw, you may submit the completed version of your tribute (not including strategy) and I will create one.

(2*) Please take your time on the backstory/history section, as it gives you an opportunity to create an elaborate tribute. Tributes with longer backstories/histories have an increased survival chance. Here are some questions that might help you create a detailed tribute:

What is the tribute's home life like? Do they have brothers and sister?
Did the tribute have a traditional education? Did they immediately enter the work force?
What was the tribute's occupation? Why did they choose it? Do they enjoy it? (Remember, in this universe, people are able to pursue any career they desire.)
How has the war affected them? Who are they fighting for?
Did someone close to them die in the war?
What are the tributes feelings about their district? What are their feelings about the Capitol?
What kinds of relationships did the tribute have?
How would the tribute define their life? What is their most memorable experience?
What is the tribute's biggest accomplishment?
What is the tribute's biggest regret?
What in the tribute's life shaped their personality?

These questions are meant to provoke ideas. You do not need to explicitly answer them, nor do you have to answer any of them. This section will determine whether the tribute is classified as a "main character," "supporting character," or a "minor character." Take your time on it.

(3*) Since I struggle to visualize a tribute based on written descriptions alone, I will find a high-quality image that most accurately represents each tribute. As a result, some of their appearance may adjust a little bit. You may also submit a high-quality image or the name of a person/actor/model that you think depicts your tribute.

(4*) You may submit the strategy section at any time before the tributes enter the arena. There may also be opportunities in the arena for you to submit advice. However, do not rely on this. Any advice submitted after the bloodbath begins will be ignored (unless stated otherwise).



The Capitol
Male: Zenith Bernkastel, 17, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Syl Annabelle Versailles, 13, nickname unknown (alive)

District One
Male: Leonhard "Leon" Summer, 18, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Korino Sinclair, 16, nickname unknown (alive)

District Two
Male: Orion Nightstar, 17, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Artemis Nightstar, 18, nickname unknown (alive)

District Three
Male: Alucard Montgomery, 17, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Prompt Storia, 12, nickname unknown (alive)

District Four
Male: Tristen Creedent, 17, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Orchid Hikari-Tenshi, 18, nickname unknown (alive)

District Five
Male: Bright Crowns, 12, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Jolyne Powers, 17, nickname unknown (alive)

District Six
Male: Notcher Scott, 15, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Julien "River" Bahn, 17, nickname unknown (alive)

District Seven
Male: Dallas Tibbet, 16, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Robin Mangrove, 15, nickname unknown (alive)

District Eight
Male: Ace Avenir, 13, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Jin Chi-Kwan, 15, nickname unknown (alive)

District Nine
Male: Tovio Aguja, 16, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Winnow Shear, 17, nickname unknown (alive)

District Ten
Male: Ricker Kangneo, 15, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Amethyst Forlon, 18, nickname unknown

District Eleven
Male: Max Kanning, 15, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Sequoia Braveheart, 17, nickname unknown (alive)

District Twelve
Male: Sage "Shadow" Creasing, 18, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Rose Everett-Bellmont, 14, nickname unknown (alive)

District Thirteen
Male: Nadir Verne, 18, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Alma Harlow, 16, nickname unknown (alive)


The Capitol
Lysandre Basile, male

District One
Carisha Bryssa-Ormonde, female

District Two
Leonides Tanwyn, male

District Three
Augustus Quain, male

District Four
Theodoric Veruchka, male

District Five

District Six
Medusa Borealis, female

District Seven
Kaliope Impela, female
formerly Elodea Impela (deceased)

District Eight
Hyacinth Io, male
formerly Leocadia Io (deceased)

District Nine
Geraldyna Eryx, female

District Ten
Alasdaire Torre, male

District Eleven
formerly Mio Umeko (defected)

District Twelve
Gwenette Peregrine, female

District Thirteen
Cressa Quain, female


Tribute Submission
Twist: anyone over the age of 12 is eligible

Submissions are not open yet.


1. Users may submit up to 3 tributes.

2. Submission are not first-come, first-serve (refer to the next line for exceptions); instead, they will be selected when the submission period ends.

3. Users who followed, favorited, and/or reviewed Anguish: The 21st Hunger Games will be able to submit 1 tribute to be immediately accepted. If the user submits more than 1 tribute, they can either choose themselves or let me select which one will appear in the Games.

4. Tributes should be submitted via PM.

5. All bolded fields must be included when you submit a tribute (except the strategy section)

6. What I look for in a tribute: (1.) unique/interesting name, (2.) consistency between personality and history/backstory, (3.) realistic characterization, and (4.) possible storylines.

Basic Information

Name: (first and last name, include nickname if applicable)

Age: (12 and up)

District: (Districts 1-12)

Gender: (male, female, or nonbinary) (include pronouns)

Sexuality: (e.g., heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, etc.) (if romantic orientation does not align with sexual orientation, please make note of it)

Personality: (preferred in sentence format, recommended at least 100 words; a list of traits will also be accepted, albeit not preferred)

Fatal Flaw(1*): (i.e., a mental weakness that may hypothetically lead to the tribute's downfall; e.g., unwavering sympathy, low self-esteem, ambition, reckless persistence, etc.) (an explanation is preferred, but optional)

Backstory/History(2*): (preferred in sentence format)

Habits/Mannerisms: (e.g., bites their nails when stressed, chews their lip when nervous, etc.)

Dominant Hand: (right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous)

Other Information: (e.g., birthday, preferences, etc.)


Skin Tone: (do not use food words to describe skin tone)

Race: (e.g., Caucasian, African-American, Asian, American Indian or Native American, etc.)

Hair Color: (e.g., blond or blonde, brown, black, etc.)

Hair Length: (e.g., shaved, shoulder-length, armpit-length, etc.)

Hair Style: (e.g., styled in a pompadour, usually pulled in ponytails, etc.) (include natural state, such as straight, wavy, curly, coiled, etc.)

Eye Color: (e.g., brown, blue, green, gray, etc.)

Build: (e.g., slim, toned, muscular, obese, etc.)

Height: (in feet and inches)

Noticeable Features: (e.g., scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.)

Image: (state a face claim or provide an image) (depending on its quality, the image may be replaced at my discretion)

Hunger Games Information

Primary Weapon: (select only one main weapon)

Alternate Weapon: (optional, select only one alternate weapon)

Strengths: (no maximum number, but should be reasonable for your tribute)

Weaknesses: (no minimum number required, but should be reasonable for your tribute)

Fears: (no minimum number, but should be reasonable for your tribute)

Reaped/Volunteered (4*): (please look at note below) (you may include their reaction, but this is optional)

Token: (preferred, but optional)


Open to Allies?: (you may include specific requests or general traits your tribute is looking for)

Training Strategy: (will they avoid learning about weaponry? will they talk to other tributes?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Private Session Strategy: (do not state a specific score; you may include whether they're trying to aim for a high, average, or low score) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Bloodbath Strategy: (will they attend the bloodbath? grab something from the outskirts and flee? what will they do if another tribute attacks them?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Arena Strategy: (will they hunt for tributes? will they stick with their allies? will they leave their allies eventually?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Feast Strategy: (will they attend? if so, will they focus on getting items or attacking others?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)

Finale Strategy: (how would they fight? would they try setting up traps? will they focus on overpowering the other tribute?) (be as specific or as broad as you want)


(1*) The fatal flaw should be a part of the tribute's personality that may unintentionally cause issues. This includes positive personality characteristics, such as kindness towards everyone and extreme loyalty. Essentially, it should be the one personality characteristic that could always be used to describe the tribute. If you cannot figure out your tribute's fatal flaw, you may submit the completed version of your tribute (not including strategy) and I will create one.

(2*) Please take your time on the backstory/history section, as it gives you an opportunity to create an elaborate tribute. Tributes with longer backstories/histories have an increased survival chance. Here are some questions that might help you create a detailed tribute:

What is the tribute's home life like? Do they have brothers and sister?
Did the tribute have a traditional education? Did they immediately enter the work force?
What was the tribute's occupation? Why did they choose it? Do they enjoy it?
Did the tribute prepare for the Hunger Games before being reaped?
What are the tributes feelings about their district?
What kinds of relationships did the tribute have?
How would the tribute define their life? What is their most memorable experience?
What is the tribute's biggest accomplishment?
What is the tribute's biggest regret?

These questions are meant to provoke ideas. You do not need to explicitly answer them, nor do you have to answer any of them. This section will determine whether the tribute is classified as a "main character," "supporting character," or a "minor character." Take your time on it.

(3*) Since I struggle to visualize a tribute based on written descriptions alone, I will find a high-quality image that most accurately represents each tribute. As a result, some of their appearance may adjust a little bit. You may also submit a high-quality image or the name of a person/actor/model that you think depicts your tribute.

(4*) If someone is reaped, I would appreciate an explanation as to why nobody volunteer. I should be able to speculate these reasons from the tribute's backstory, but this makes sure we're on the same page. Here are some questions to consider:

If the tribute is young and in a loving family, why didn't one of their parents volunteer?
If the tribute doesn't have a parent of the same sex, why didn't one of their relatives volunteer?
If the tribute is a parent (whether they are middle-aged or elderly), why didn't one of their children volunteer?
Did the tribute decline volunteers?

These questions are meant to provoke ideas. You do not need to explicitly answer them, nor do you have to answer any of them. Also, it is understandable if the tribute's family simply did not want to volunteer. Remember to keep your tribute's backstory/history in mind.

(5*) You may submit the strategy section at any time before the tributes enter the arena. There may also be opportunities in the arena for you to submit advice. However, do not rely on this. Any advice submitted after the bloodbath begins will be ignored (unless stated otherwise).



District One
Male: Lorcan Estrelle, 15, "The Sad Career" (alive)
Female: Veira Faustus, 17, "The Hotheaded Beauty" (alive)

District Two
Male: Xolani Satine, 18, "The Robust Façade" (alive)
Female: Honoria Brantlie, 16, "The Devoted Daughter" (alive)

District Three
Male: Skagen Matisse, 14, "The Tiny Shadow" (alive)
Female: Eulalia Psy, 17, "The Social Warrior" (alive)

District Four
Male: Tycho Searling, 17, "The Closeted Ex-Boyfriend" (alive)
Female: Mayuri Odelle, 18, "The Slender Thief" (alive)

District Five
Male: Zephyrin Greer, 18, "The Compliant Fiancé" (alive)
Female: Jenikka Amias, 13, nickname unknown (alive)

District Six
Male: Lark Devereaux, 16, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Kaia Palani, 15, "The Jealous Painter" (alive)

District Seven
Male: Juniper Anatole, 16, "The Bad Boy" (alive)
Female: Bryony Linden, 17, nickname unknown (alive)

District Eight
Male: Octavian Espen, 12, "The Recipient of Vengeance" (alive)
Female: Nadina Windlass, 16, "The Recovering Victim" (alive)

District Nine
Male: Havan Thorpe, 13, "The Sheltered Child" (alive)
Female: Farah Cybele, 15, "The Drug Dealer" (alive)

District Ten
Male: Taneli Masarie, 18, nickname unknown (alive)
Female: Laelia Lantbruk, 18, "The Resilient Doll" (alive)

District Eleven
Male: Makari Amazu, 17, "The Lonely Grandson" (alive)
Female: Fresia Blodwyn, 15, "The Arena Baby" (alive)

District Twelve
Male: Isidore Crusoe, 17, "The Time Bomb" (alive)
Female: Emeri Malloy, 14, nickname unknown (alive)


1st Hunger Games
Anahita Parthenie, District 3 Female, 37
"The Reformed Rebel"
Twist: only children of known rebels could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 3

2nd Hunger Games
Sylvie Linden, District 7 Female, 36
Nickname Unknown
Twist: Unknown
Current Mentor of District 7

3rd Hunger Games
Armin Torkili, District 10 Male, 36 and Destry Torkili, District 10 Male, 36
(Armin) Nickname Unknown
(Destry) Nickname Unknown
Twist: only twins could be reaped (one set of twins per district, regardless of gender)
(Armin) Current Mentor of District 10
(Destry) Current Head Mentor

4th Hunger Games
Daedalus Brantlie, District 2 Male, 37
"The Revolutionist"
Twist: only young fathers and mothers between the ages of 12 and 20 could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 2

5th Hunger Games
Poppi Blodwyn, District 11 Female, 33
Nickname Unknown
Twist: only couples could be selected (one couple per district, regardless of gender)
Current Mentor of District 11

6th Hunger Games
Chrysa Mansueta, District 4 Female, 31
Nickname Unknown
Twist: Unknown
Current Head Mentor

7th Hunger Games
Fergus Tancredo, District 1 Male, 30
Nickname Unknown
Twist: only bladed weapons would be available in the cornucopia
Current Mentor of District 12

8th Hunger Games
Amara Copperdust, District 11 Female, 31
Nickname Unknown
Twist: nobody could volunteer for the reaped tribute
Current Mentor of District 11

9th Hunger Games
Lar Verrucosis, District Two Male, 30
Nickname Unknown
Twist: unknown
Current Mentor of District 9

10th Hunger Games
Myriam Deirdre, District 1 Female, 27
"The Blind Duelist"
Twist: unknown
Current Mentor of District 1

11th Hunger Games
Baize Edmonia, District 8 Female, 27
Nickname Unknown
Twist: only ranged weapons would be available in the cornucopia
Current Mentor of District 8

12th Hunger Games
Emeric Devere, District 4 Male, 25
Nickname Unknown
Twist: unknown
Current Mentor of District 4

13th Hunger Games
Coilee Namaka, District 6 Female, 26
Nickname Unknown
Twist: only females could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 6

14th Hunger Games
Flick Hewlitt, District 5 Male, 23
Nickname Unknown
Twist: only males could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 5

15th Hunger Games
Adamaris Fidele, District 1 Female, 23
Nickname Unknown
Twist: all weapons in the cornucopia were laced with a fast-acting poison
Current Mentor of District 1

16th Hunger Games
Leith Taliesin, District 3 Male, 20 and Bronsen Raede, District 5 Male, 21
(Leith) Nickname Unknown
(Bronsen) "The Naïve Lover"
Twist: tributes were paired with one another (if their partner died, they would immediately receive a lethal injection)
(Leith) Current Mentor of District 3
(Bronsen) Current Mentor of District 5

17th Hunger Games
Ooma Villette, District 2 Female, 22
"The Faithful Sister"
Twist: only children whose biological parents were separated could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 2

18th Hunger Games
Gania Spalding, District 10 Female, 20
"The Capitol's Prodigy"
Twist: only children who take out tesserae could be reaped
Current Mentor of District 10

19th Hunger Games
Matvei Zaltana, District 7 Male, 20
Nickname Unknown
Twist: if at least 1 tribute wasn't killed each day, half the remaining tributes would be killed
Current Mentor of District 7

20th Hunger Games
Cordelle Vitka, District 4 Female, 16
Nickname Unknown
Twist: tributes had to fight their district partners one-on-one before entering the arena
Current Mentor of District 4


District One
Escort: Athénaïs Saralee, 20
Stylists: Unknown

District Two
Escort: Jocasta Fairuza, 36
Stylists: Unknown

District Three
Escort: Unknown
Stylists: Unknown

District Four
Escort: Xevera Lethe, 22
Stylists: Unknown

District Five
Escort: Unknown
Stylists: Unknown

District Six
Escort: Amadeus Vogue, 21
Stylists: Desdemona Silverbreath, ?? and Tempeste Silverbreath, ??

District Seven
Escort: Unknown
Stylists: Unknown

District Eight
Escort: Kimani Tierza, ??
Stylists: Unknown

District Nine
Escort: Valentia Ives, ??
Stylists: Unknown

District Ten
Escort: Unknown
Stylists: Unknown

District Eleven
Escort: Unknown
Stylists: Unknown

District Twelve
Escort: Cress Mariposa, 35
Stylists: Unknown


President of Panem: President Mettius Quain, ??

Master of Ceremonies: Caius Fulbright, ??

Hunger Games Announcer: Lucretia Laurent, ??

Head Gamemaker: Toivo Veruchka, ??


Still Fighting

Melisande "Mel" Estelle, District 2 Female, 18 - z-fun2001's Power and Glory: The 83rd Annual Hunger Games

Zenaida Leland, District 10 Female, 18 - PhoenixFire-Fly12's Trial of Fire: The 84th Hunger Games

Brea Ainslee, District 11 Female, 17 - 66samvr's Hearts of Glass and Gold


Callum Lennon, District 3 Male, 18 - LongingForRomeo's Tempestas the 189th Hunger Games - Placed 7th out of 24

Talia Lancaster, District 3 Female, 15 - LongingForRomeo's Tempestas the 189th Hunger Games - Placed 14th out 24

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Power and Glory: The 83rd Annual Hunger Games (Closed SYOT) by z-fun2001 reviews
Thanks to an alternate third quarter quell, the second rebellion was squashed before it even began. Now, eight years later, the Hunger Games are as powerful and glorious as ever before. (Closed SYOT)
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 8 - Words: 23,288 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 7/3 - Other tributes, President Snow’s grandaughter, OC
Tempestas the 189th Games by LongingForRomeo reviews
When Head Gamemaker Aetius Valter is challenged to make a Game's like no others he feels over his head. Facing an inward rebellion and a soft President he wonders how he will manage it. That is until he meets the Tributes. These Tributes are one of a kind and ready to fight, love and go against the norms. Let the 189th Hunger Games Begin! SYOT Closed Viewers can sponsor.
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 55 - Words: 256,522 - Reviews: 305 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 5/26 - Published: 3/12/2018
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Betrayal: The Trial Games reviews
The Rebels won the Second Rebellion. But the Loyalists refused to admit defeat. Panem was not meant for democracy. The Hunger Games kept the nation together. With the death of Katniss Everdeen, the Loyalists want to reclaim Panem. In the midst of this Third Rebellion, the Loyalists detained 28 kids. They will be the test of how immoral man is without laws. (SYOT OPEN - 2/26 left)
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,298 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 7/27 - Published: 7/8
Anguish: The 21st Hunger Games reviews
The Second Treaty of Treason states, "The Hunger Games shall be restored with a new condition: each year, a unique twist shall be included." For the 21st Hunger Games, each tribute must have a relative or friend who participated in the Games. Some won, most died. Each tribute knows the meaning of grief, but they will learn whether they cherish their sanity or their survival.
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,615 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 6/24 - Published: 4/19