Author has written 5 stories for Wicked. Heya I'm Amber. I have finally updated my profile, let's just say it needed a tweak from the cringeyness it possessed XD. So I'm 20, from the UK and currently at university, wanting to become a vet later in life (I'm doing a Bsc before VetMed). I love biology and I suppose I am very much like Elphaba when it comes to studying and her rather black or white, matter of fact approach to viewing the world. I've recently thought about starting to write again on here since it has been 3 years since my last story! I'm just a woman who holds wicked dear to her heart and occasionally likes to write game, paint and study for the shear fun of it since biology and veterinary publications are rather intriguing. seeing musicals is also a massive past time for me seeing many shows in the west end as well as seeing Wicked 6 times, soon to be my 7th later this month (Jan, 2019), All or most of my stories shall be Wicked book/musical related and for those who have already been following me, thank you for tuning in, best wishes to all you guys and gals (: |