Author has written 1 story for Naruto. I have been writing fiction for about 15 years, though I am by no mean very good yet. I enjoy it though, so I suppose that's the important part. Currently I mostly write fanfiction, but you can also find my originals here. I am currently living in the NW USA. I'm a manager in training with national drug store chain. It's okay, but writing is my true love (and my husband of course). Unedited Versions: Shotgun Wedding: Chapter 6 Unedited Chapter 8 Unedited The above links have lost their formatting during the move to new a new web host, but eventually I will move all explicit material over to AO3 anyway. Bear with me. :) YES I KNOW THAT LILANIMEFAN FORMALLY POSTED THIS FIC FOR ME AND I PROMISE IT IS INDEED MINE! PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, STOP REVIEWING MY STORY WITH "IS THIS FIC REALLY YOURS?" KIND OF STUFF. IT'S MINE AND YOU CAN FIND IT AT OTHER SITES, THE LINKS TO UNEDITED VERSIONS ARE ABOVE. ANOTHER AUTHOR DID COPY MY WORK RECENTLY, BUT I WON'T MENTION THEIR NAME, SINCE THEY REMOVED THE OFFENDING PIECE. I love to get feedback, so don't be afraid to drop me a line. Suggestions and story ideas are great! Monkey Lady |