Author has written 4 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Team Fortress 2. Hi, my name is Kristófer! I make sure all my grammar and spelling is correct before posting, but if you find something wrong, please tell me! I'm just a small child pls. I like: Fire Emblem (FE4, FE7, FE9, FE11, FE13, FE14 mostly, but come on how can I choose, they're all great) Hetalia SUPER, SMAAAAAAAASH BROTHERS TF2 (a little) Undertale Homestuck (a little) some other stuff I'm prob never gonna write fanfics for "HOW MANY FANDOMS CAN A BOY HAVE???", you may ask. Too many. That's it. I love Pepe The Frog, best meme 2k15 Current Projects: Continue "From The Inside Out" Restart a fan fiction I've deleted from this archive. Revamp it. Truly feel the new fan fiction. Smell the new fan fiction. TO DO: Start a Fire Emblem: Awakening series or something. I love Lon'qu so much. Feel free to request something, and I'll see what I can do! Some pointers (??what lmao) - Please Review and tell me how I did on my stories!! It motivates me and I feel great when I see that someone took the time to review, even if the only thing the review says is, "noice"!!
- I make mistakes. I always do, like any other human being on the planet. If you see a mistake in my writing, would you please tell me? The only reason it's there is because I don't know about it, so it would be amazing if you gently reminded me, "hey, bruh that ain't how you spell preposterous"!
- Yo if you're having a bad day and you want some cheering up, PM me! I'm sure I'll write you a oneshot to make you feel better, and give you some internet hot chocolate, emoticons, and some TLC!
- add me on steam hehheh
- follow me on tumblr