Author has written 3 stories for StarTrek: Deep Space Nine. I "discovered" Star Trek: Deep Space Nine one rainy afternoon in November 2013. Sure, I'd known about the series before that. I had even seen a few episodes. But I had never been particularly interested in it. Everything changed with one episode: Dr Bashir, I Presume. Over the following months, I managed to see all the episodes. I also read a fair amount of fan fiction, and I even tried one of the professional novels. I wanted to hug Julian. I wanted to give him the support that the characters in the show somehow never quite seemed to. I wanted him to get a happier ending than the show left him with. Plus, I wanted to explore issues that the series occasionally touched on but that were never fully explored, let alone resolved. If genetically enhanced people couldn't do anything meaningful in Federation society, what did this actually mean for Julian Bashir and for others like him? Julian broke the law to join Starfleet and to become a doctor. What laws? How could Sisko be so opposed to Vic's lounge because it misrepresented the realities of 1960s America yet be so blasé about Julian's situation? Did Sisko not recognise that he had his very own civil rights issue under his nose, right there on Deep Space Nine? What might Julian's situation have been like had Sisko been just a little less oblivious? I had more questions and ideas even than that, but you get the general idea... So many things to think about! I found myself wanting to write. I fear I got carried away, and The Manipulation of Julian Bashir was the result. If you have read this far, then I'm guessing that something in my story piqued your interest. If you can spare a minute or two to let me know what you think I've got right—or wrong, for that matter—I'd appreciate it, no matter that the story is done. I have learned a lot while working on The Manipulation of Julian Bashir. First and foremost, I learned (or, rather, relearned) how much I love to write. I love the creative process. I love the feeling of ideas sparking unbidden out of the subconscious. I love the flashes of inspiration that strike when you least expect it, and how, even when you think you're stuck, solutions can somehow appear from nowhere. I love the journey and mystery of discovery as a story unfolds, and the logic problems presented when weaving the plot together. I love playing with words and language and characters and... Well, you get the idea. I've also learned that I can write something long (possibly it's too long, but that's a different problem) and that I can stick with it through to the end. My original intention was that The Manipulation of Julian Bashir would be a standalone story. That may still be the case. However, I do have ideas for what happens to Julian next and I know how I think his journey should end, so there might be a sequel. Perhaps. One day. Possibly. Then again, I might write something else entirely. But I am sure that I will write something. Meanwhile, thanks for reading. The Tystie. |