Author has written 2 stories for Outsiders, and Fullmetal Alchemist. UPDATE FEBRUARY 17, 2010 If you've got, like, a minute, please read. Hello, hello, hello there. This is Emily. I haven't been here in five years. The website is super different, so pardon me while I gawk at the fanciness. I was in middle school, (7th grade I think) when I wrote Embracing the Future, and I'm about to graduate high school now and hike off to college, just to help you wrap your mind over how much time I feel has gone by. However, I just wanted to stop in and say to those who come here after reading my story, thank you so, so much. It brings me such joy when even five years later, I still get reviews from people saying how much they liked Embracing the Future. I know a lot of people won't read this, since with all of these new and fancy tools has I can see how many people look at the profile (and you can reply to reviews now! Craziness!). But, still, I felt I needed to say it somewhere. Thank you, thank you, a million times over, thank you. Your reviews over the years never fail to bring a smile to my face. Hey all! Name: Emily Nick names: Emmy, Em, Emilimistress, Em Em the Bunny, The Energizer Bunny. Fav. Color: Pink (yeah, yeah, go ahead and cringe.) Music: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE 3, The Used, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Bright Eyes, Michelle Branch, Vague Details, Evanessence, Wicked, RENT, Avenue Q, The Doors, and Avril Lavigne. Books: A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie, Anything by Tamora Pierce, Eoin Colfer, Sharon Creech, or Sarah Dessen, The His Dark Materials Trilogy, The Echorium Sequence, Spellfall, Peaches, Candy, Eragon, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, The Misfits, Howl's Moving Castle, Wicked, The Children of the Red King series, Guitar Girl, and Sloppy Firsts are sadly just a few. Manga: ANGEL SANCTUARY, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Yotsuba, FLCL, Ceres: Celestial Legend, and Alice 19th. Idol: Libba Bray No matter how many times they get hurt, humans repeat the same things over and over. Because humans are brittle and weak, even when they know their time is coming, humans still believe. Even when they know that that time will definetely come. Is it because I'm always so helpless and stupid and weak...I can't help but be moved by it. ~Angel Sanctuary~ |