Author has written 3 stories for Star Wars. Not so long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away...Three girls met, taking three Star Wars character for a game. These girls became friends through their characters, which carried over into real life for them. Their initials are JEB. Our writing carried over, and we decided that these stories and ideas should be shared with other Star Wars fans. Especially of the prequels. Jennifer is soon to be eighteen, living in the Carolinas. She has always been a fan of the films. Her favorite is Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is her main character in these stories. She also plays Taylor, a made up Jedi Padawan. Emily is twenty five, and lives in British Columbia, Canada. She became a fan a bit later in life, especially of Anakin, who she plays. Bethany is twenty one, and is from Michigan. She has been a fan her entire life, and her primary character is Siri Tachi, from the Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest books. She also writes from Padme Naberrie-Skywalker. All of us have taken turns with other characters in different storylines as well. We hope that everyone enjoys the ongoing stories of these characters. Please read and review. And May the Force Be with You |