Author has written 21 stories for Mario, Harry Potter, Game X-overs, and StarTrek: The Next Generation. My pen name was gonna be K-Star, but it turns out that someone else already had that pen name. Oh well. At least my buddies from the Nintendo Nsider forums will still be able to recognize me here (someone took "K-Star" over there too, so I added the "General" part before it because K-Star is an original character I came up with when I was 8 years old and she's a general in an army.) I want to be a video game designer one day and I hope to make games out of those stories I made up about K-Star. I used to write alot of Harry Potter and Mario fanfiction, but now the fandom I love the most is Star Trek: The Next Generation. In particular, I LOVE reading and writing stories about Lt. Commander Data. He is, in my opinion, the AWESOMEST character to have ever existed, and I've been told I write him rather well (except, according to some people, he seems a little OOC in "The Basics of Humanity." I thought I did a rather good job there, but... meh.) Star Trek: Succession (or "Line of Succession," as I plan to rename it), is a fic I came up with that has been tied into K-Star's original story in a rather interesting way. The fic, of course, is not a true part of that story, but it's a nice way of combining my favorite fandom with an original fiction idea. |