![]() Author has written 8 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. I am still active!! At the present moment I am working on a complete re-write of my Spirits Trilogy fanon series. There are a few aspects that went far too off canon for me, plus we've seen new elements develop between characters in the comics released since I started writing this series. The original Books 4, 5, and 6 are no longer available, having all been replaced with Books 1, 2, and 3 of the Spirits Trilogy. For the people still hanging around and checking after all this time, thank you! I repeat, I am still active! Whether it takes another year or even two I promise I will finish the Spirit's Trilogy, you just gotta be patient with me :) I'm a bit of an addict, or so it would appear! Writing and drawing sooth my soul, and this new addiction to Avatar: The Last Airbender spurred me to give one of these fan fiction dealio's a try. Needless to say, I'm now addicted to that too. Mostly I write dark/romance/mature fics - blood and angst. So be warned! SPIRITS TRILOGY UPDATES: Latest Updates! Spirits Trilogy is being rewritten! Spirits: Book Three - The Spirit World - Chapter 30 has just been uploaded! My Thoughts on FF! You know you've made it when you get your first flamer ... "There's no sex scene? You wot m8?!" I'm not sure there's a fic on I've not had a ganders at this point, but I am a huge fan of slow-burn, epics (featuring my favourite pairings is a plus). Shipping Kataang (of course), Tokka (sorry Suki), Zuki (sorry Suki?) and also really really reeeeeally wanna know more about the canon men in Toph's life. Who is Kanto?! As a Kataang shipper I'm not entirely anti-Zutara. I like the dynamic. I could see it happening in the right circumstances. I just prefer Kataang. Recommended Reading! I confess I probably write a lot more than I read, and I am quite particular in what I like to read. I haven't traveled the wordly realms of much since I first arrived here, and certainly I am yet to explore outside of the safety of the ATLA region, but I have still come across some fantastic pieces of work in that short amount of time. For me it's the quality of writing, and the development of character that reels me in. Though I am prominently Kataang, and quite adverse to reading fics set within the TV show's original timeline, give me a fic with good pacing, good story telling, fantastic character development and a truly original and interesting OC and I'm all over it. And so, here is a short list of some of my favourites so far. Ladies' Man by Byzinha Lestrange - I literally stumbled across this fic by clicking a wrong link but oh boy am I glad I did! This fic is, as stated in it's description, a collection of ficlets (some longer than others) about Sokka and the ladies in his life. There's a lot of delicious humour in these stories, as well as some heart wrenching moments that I'm still trying to recover from! There is a theme running through each of them, I won't say what because I really think you need to read all the way through this before you start to sense what it's *really* about. But needless to say as a fan of a certain pairing I am loving it. Very well written, there are few fics out there that can actually make me laugh out loud, and this is one of them! Highly recommend. Lost Stores of the Last Nomads by Rashatigress - I LOVE this fic. It has everything ... drama, romance, horror, comedy, and all neatly combined in some of the best writing I have come across on FF. Rashatigress has a fantastic style that'll have you hooked from the get go, and their imagination really pushes this story forward into places that you'd least expect. It is a Kataang fic, but based a lot around the spirituality of their relationship (and their world). There are many sex scenes in this story, but if you're not keen on that sort of thing please just skip them and keep reading because by god you do not want to miss this story! Older fics: Drinking Buddy by MarblesG - this is easy my favourite fic on FF, and every day the first thing I do is check up my favourites to see if there's a new update. I have always felt that Aang and Toph would have a particularly strong relationship as they grew up, and that the two of them relied on each other greatly as the trials of adulthood set in. So this fic, to me, it's like chocolate cake. Yup, I'm going with that. Drinking Buddy IS chocolate cake. Expectation by Sweet Avidya Jones - I LOVE this fic. I love it so much that I've read it twice since I found it just a couple days ago. It explored a spiritual and mentoring side to Aang that is so rarely seen in fanfiction, and the ideas and the pure genius in the writing of the final chapter, in particular, captivated me completely. I highly recommend reading this. Picking Up the Pieces by SR240 - Anyone who has read my Books 4 and 5 will know that I love a bit of Kataangst. It's fun to write and to explore, and who knew that it would be so gripping and gritty to read as well? I won't lie, the premise is upsetting, it's a hard read and it certainly pulls at every feel, but it was beautiful. A piece of head-cannon that I almost feel as though I could adopt myself. Heartbreaking, frustrating, beautiful and uplifting, this really is a great piece of story telling. |