Author has written 7 stories for Sailor Moon, Escaflowne, Lord of the Rings, and X-Men: Evolution. So... we meet again, young Fudgesickle...Ok, so I'm 19, Canadian, and call myself a writer, despite the fact that I have this problem with finishing stories. I'm a political sciences/religious studies major, and a major english buff to boot. Need a Beta-writer? I'm your man! [er... woman!] I go back and forth from a variety of favourite stories, from Lord of the Rings to Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Alias, X-men, Harry Potter, Diadem, Star Wars, and Escaflowne, and onsider myself a buff on all these subjects, but my current obsession is with Dark Angel, the best show to have been cancelled due to Sept. 11. [Don't get me started on the wrongness of this war.] Since I can't think of anything else that has to do with fanfiction, I'll end my rant here. Besides, no one wants a cranky writer updating their profile at 2 in the morning. And remember: If you don't have anything nice to say, it had better be f*ing hilarious. |