![]() Author has written 1 story for Super Smash Brothers. Hi there! I'm Daweirdone! I found out about this site in the middle of 2013, and I've been hooked since then. I really enjoy the Super Smash Brothers fan fiction section, so most of my stories will revolve around that. I made my account on the 22nd of June, 2014, and am going to be a Senior in high school in the fall. I also play in the marching band. Although a lot of my inspiration comes from other fanfics, I also use a lot of my personal exoeriences when I write. I'm always open to suggestions through reviews, comments, or even pm's. My goal is to provide humor to all of you, while having fun, and to not focus on only my favorite characters, but to provide for fans of all characters in Smash Bros. If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you check out my stories! The rest is misc. info. Some Video Games I Play: -Super Smash Brothers -The Legend Of Zelda (Right now it's my favorite Nintendo series, besides ssb) -Splatoon (Woomy) -Super Mario Bros (My very first Nintendo game! The series that got me interested in Nintendo in the first place! It will always hold a special place in my gamer-heart) -Fire Emblem (I've only played a little bit while in the hospital, but while I played, I immediately got hooked and I really want Awakening! Why in the hospital- it's a long story; one that involves me being out of schoool for half a semester) -Pokemon -Kid Icarus (What a hardcore game! Really difficult, but fun! I never had a chance to play the original, though, but I have played the spin off game and Uprising) -Pikmim -Minecraft (A bit out of place, I know, but what can I say? I really like it. At least, the multiplayer part. Single player is a bit bland) -Sonic (Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster! Yeah, he's awesome) If you want me to make a fan fiction with any of these games in specific, with a specific plot used, besides Fire Emblem, since I don't know much about it, pm me! Pairings I support the most: -Any pairings that I think will be the best in the particular story. I don't just stick to one pairing, because no pairings have been confirmed. I also don't really like to focus on romance, but more on comedy. But I do like to add a but of fluff to my stories. But, unless It's the main part of the story, I probably won't make the pairings obvious, but rather make them all treat each other as friends. If I do add pairings, however, it will probably be characters from the same game. My Goals/Advice When Writing: 1) Remember that people other than you will read this; don't make the story fan service to yourself, but rather a work that shows your dedication and appreciation to a specific series. 2) Be original. Taking inspiration from other people is completely fine. So is using a concept that many other people use, such as the smash mansion. But, stealing someone else's plot for a story isn't, if you don't put your own original twist to it. 3) Have fun. Don't let the people who don't like your story bring you down. Instead, focus on the people who do like your story, and try to make it even better for them, and, more importantly, yourself. I always remember these three things when I write; I hope that this will help any other aspiring fanfic writers out there as well. Things That Annoy Me When Reading Fanfics/ Things I Try To Avoid When Writing -Bad Grammar. This includes misspells as well as grammatical errors. Now, I know that everybody makes mistakes, so this one I don't mind as much, unless they're all over the place. -A sucky summary. If you want to bring readers to you so they can give you advice, I don't think saying "sucky summary, but please read," is the way to go about it. Now, I'm not saying that authors who do that are bad. In fact, some of the stories I've read with summaries like that we're actually really well done. All I'm saying is that I think all fanfic writers should at least attempt to make a decent summary, so readers at least have a decent idea what they're gonna read. -Really short chapters. I'm not saying that Fanfics with really short chapters are bad, but it just annoys me when each chapter is only around 100-200 words. I understand that people have busy lives, but I'd rather have a longer chapter released a day late than a short chapter released on time. I'm sure everyone will understand if you do that, since they probably have lives outside the computer as well. Now that I think about it, these aren't really things that annoy me, but are things that I, myself, am going to try to avoid. Things I Love to See In Writing/ Things I Aspire to do While I Write -Story arcs. Especially in one shot Fanfics. Story arcs are little sub-plots that usually start and resolve themselves in a couple of chapters, and is one of the main points of those chapters, but isn't the main point of the whole story. I find them mostly in one shot Fanfics. -When an author has a short, but not too short, note at the beginning and/or the end of each chapter. The usually ask for reviews and suggestions. They may also state the author's general reaction or thoughts on the chapter, or they may be an update as to why they were late, etc. They aren't really good all the time though, especially in serious stories. -Sophisticated, not complicated, writing. Most Fanfics usually don't use the widest array of words that could be used, and some are just full of simple sentences. Others are riddled with mediocre grammar. But, whenever I find a fanfic that uses longer words, throws some complex and compound sentences into the mix, uses adjectives and adverbs instead of just stating what's happening, and has amazing grammar in general, my heart skips a beat. Oh yeah, typing "my heart skips a beat" reminded me to add the use of figurative language to the mix. I'm just a stickler for grammar. If you ever see a Super Smash Brothers fanfic that has all three of these things, please pm me the link! Chances are, though, is that I've already read it. Unless it's not humor, and if there are oc's. It's not that I dislike original characters, it's just that I don't usually read Fanfics with them in it. I prefer for them to only be characters that Nintendo dreamt up. But, that doesn't mean I won't read Fanfics like that. In fact, I'm following one right now! Well, that's all I can think to put on my profile. I'll update it eventually, but for now, I gotta get back to hunting for new stories to read and new ideas to write about! Oh! I don't know if I've even mentioned it, but I am indeed a boy. See ya later! Until next chapter! |