Author has written 83 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Kaleido Star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Saiyuki, D N Angel, Stargate: SG-1, Get Backers, Anime X-overs, Friday the 13th, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade, Naruto, Wedding Peach, Vampire Knight, Lucifer, and Supernatural. Lets start with the basics, shall we? Name: Believe it or not i have a few, but i tend to like my nickname Kio-chan. As for my real name, thats a secret. DemonUchiha17 if my offical penname now. (For a while i was trunks and goten, but i was tired of the name and changed it. My original account (animeprincess1452) was deteled for some reason, so i had to start over but that's history now.) Age:27 Gender: Female Aim: kyosecret52 Favorite animes: Dragonball/z/gt, Yu yu hakusho, Inuyasha, Yugioh, Spiral, Samuri X, Saiyuki, E's otherwise, Fruit basket, D.N. Angel, Eden's bowy, Generator Gawl, G Gundam, Gundam seed, Gravitation, Nuku Nuku, Pretear, Ranma 1/2, Arc the lad, Orphan, Princess nine, Gravion, Neo ranga, wedding peach, Sakura wars/2, Saiyuki reloaded, Cardcaptors, Rurouni Kenshin, Bandit King Jin, Getbackers, Peacemakers, Steel angel Kurumi 2, Kaleido star, Angelic Layer, Blue seed/2, Noir,Chrono Chrusade,Death note and many more... Favorite pairings: Naruto: NaruSasu, OroJira, Kakashi/Iruka, OroKabu, Sakon/Tayuya, ItaSasu, Neji/Tenten, Shika/Tema, Naru/Hina Dragonball/z/gt: Chi-chi/Goku, Goku/Vegeta, Vegeta/Bulma, Trunks/Goten, Trunks/ Pan, Goten/Bra, Gohan/Trunks, Mirai Gohan/Mirai Trunks, Tien/ Launch, Bardock/Tora, Bardock/Fashia, Yugioh: Yugi/Joey, Yugi/Tea, Joey/Tristan, Joey/ Mai, Mai/Varen, Tristan/Serenity, Tea/Mai, Seto/Isis, Marik/Bakura, Marik/Ryou, Ryou/Bakura. Yu yu hakusho: Yusuke/ Keiko, Yusuke/Kurama, Kuwabara/Yukina, Hiei/Kurama, Kurama/Kuronue, Kurama/Yomi, Shizuru/Sakyo, Shinobu/Itsuki Death note:L/Light Discontinued Stories: Unfortunally some stories have to be discontinued due to lack of ideas or it has been too long and i have forgotten what the point of the story was. Below you can find a list of discontinued stories. 1. Saiyan Life 2. I'm not crazy- This story was originally completed. However, i lost some of the chapters after my first account got deleted. 3. Goku trains Uub 4. Darker Spirits |