Author has written 1 story for X-Men: The Movie. Hello dolls and darlings! Fanfiction is kinda my secret guilty pleasure so...yeah Anyways, I'm 18. I really don't know what to put in this extremely large description box. Let's favorite movie is Boondock Saints (Norman Reedus with an Irish accent *swoon*.) I love The Walking Dead and if you don't I probably can't trust you as a person. Hannibal is another one of my favorites...anything with Hannibal Lecter is just fantastic. Game of Thrones is also one of my favorites. When I do start writing, I will not stand for plagiarism. Writing is difficult. It takes an insane amount of time and patience and I will not tolerate people who think they can steal my hard work. If you can't tell, I'm kinda passionate about that. What else can I say? Oh, I know. I love constructive criticism. If you have any advice, please send it my way. I'll try to take everything into account. If you send me PMs or leave a review, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, try to sound like an intelligent human being. I can't tell you how much "text talk" annoys me. I text every day and I never send anything that looks anything remotely like this =="Ay bae u wanna chil b4 da parti"...just NO. It was physically painful to type that. So darlings, I write all kinds of stuff but typically it does have mature content so if you dislike that kind of thing, to each his or her own. However, if you do like that, you're awesome and I probably like you. Please send PMs and reviews. Oh, I don't know if you've noticed, but I will use every term of endearment known to man (hon, darling, dear, doll, baby etc.) I do this to everyone and it drives almost all of them crazy. It just means I love you and you should just accept it :) Alright darlings (see?) hopefully there will be tons and tons of stories on here soon Actors/Roles That I'm Just In Love With Norman Reedus in anything and everything he does Sean Patrick Flanery (I've only seen him in BDS but my goodness) Liev Schreiber(X-Men Origins as Sabretooth) Iwan Rheon in Game of Thrones (bless Ramsay Snow's crazy, psychotic heart) Johnny Depp (love him as Captain Jack Sparrow {who doesn't?} Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows, and Mad Hatter) Evan Peters in American Horror Story Jonathan Rhys Meyers Heath Ledger (RIP) as the Joker Judd Nelson as John Bender (Breakfast Club) I assure there are others...none of which happen to be coming to mind as of right now Just posted the first chapter of the first story, in the process of writing more...please be patient, I'm extremely prone to writer's block. Please feel free to ask questions and give suggestions! |