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Joined 03-28-04, id: 562279, Profile Updated: 09-23-13
Author has written 2 stories for X-Files, and Thief: The Dark Project.

I'm a big fan of all the Thief games, also a huge fan of the X-files, though most of my fan-fiction is Thief based.

09-23-13: Ok, so I lied--after getting 32 up and ready, I couldn't sit on 33/The Epilogue any longer. It's been ready to go for probably the past two months, and I'm too excited to not share it. Thank you all for your awesomeness and your patience--you guys rock all the socks, and I've had a blast getting to know you throughout this experience. Do drop me a line whenever via my website: .

09-23-13: Chapter 32: In Which The Skies Come Down is now live! Look for the epilogue/final chapter tomorrow! EEEEK! The end is almost here!

09-22-13: And Chapter 31: In Which Shit Hits the Fan is now up for reading! Everything is coming to a close really, really, REALLY fast. As in, one more chapter and a pseudo-epilogue fast. And because I'll be traveling later this week and unable to post, I'll be putting up both Chapter 32 and the Epilogue in the next three days. Holy crap, the finale is almost here! O.O

09-02-13: Holy crap, Chapter 28: In Which a Prophecy is Fulfilled is waaaaaaay longer than I realized it was. Anyway, it's up and raring to go, so next chapter will be up next Sunday! YIKES! We're drawing up on the end very, very fast here, ladies and gentlemen. Just a few more chapters to go! :)

09-01-13: Eep! Missed last week's post, so I'm putting up Chapter 27: In Which Alliances Are Tested today and Chapter 28 tomorrow! Sorry for the delay--we're prepping for a move, and my brain's in twelve different places at once. But never fear! We'll be back on track as of tomorrow with Chapter 28! :)

08-09-13: Chapter 25: In Which Odds Aren't In Anyone's Favor is now up! One day early, because I'll be too busy tomorrow to post, and didn't want it to go up late. :) There *is* a bit of language in this one, so consider thyself warned--it's only in the first scene with Matthew, since he's a jerk. Look for Chapter 26 next Sunday!

08-04-13: Chapter 24: In Which A Keeper Makes Things Difficult is now up! Look for Chapter 25 next Sunday. :)

07-28-13: A bit slower to post this chapter than I anticipated, but with good reason! I'm thrilled to announce that every chapter of The Thief Dilemma has now been written IN FULL!

No more delays, no more six-to-twelve month breaks between sections. Every chapter is finished, and will be posted sequentially over the next two months. There will be eight more chapters after this week's (Chapter 23: In Which Old and New Allies Appear), plus an epilogue. I'll be posting one chapter a week on Sundays from here to the very end of the story.

Again, I want to thank you all for being such awesome, patient readers. You have made this such a ridiculously fun experience, and I've learned so much as a writer from when I first started this story. You guys all rock! :)

07-02-13: A day late (wanted to start a 1st of the month/15th of the month schedule), but Chapter 22:In Which Carefully Laid Plans Go Awry is now up! Look for Chapter 23 on July 15th! :)

06-07-13: Yikes, better late than never, I guess, but Chapter 21: In Which a Rescue Attempt Begins is now up! But never fear, it will not be another year or more before you get another chapter. For the past six months, I've been writing the finale chapters to The Thief Dilemma, and am now just eight scenes shy of being completely finished. This is the first of six ALREADY WRITTEN chapters, and I will be posting one every two weeks from now until the Epilogue. I'll post Chapter 22 on or around the 25th of this month, and the 23rd on or around the second week of July, etc., etc. Everything is racing towards a big wrap-up at long last. Thank you everybody for reading, and I hope you enjoy the finale!

If you're interested in seeing what other things I've been working on, or even locating a few of the books or magazines my original fiction has appeared in (I'd recommend the upcoming "Leading Edge Magazine - Issue #61" because it contains my dark clockpunk fantasy story "Mimicry" which has a similar feel to The Thief Dilemma), please feel free to drop by my blog, , and/or check out my DeviantArt account: ScentOfThunder. I also cross-post Thief Dilemma chapters on DA.

And I repeat what I said last time: you guys should be knighted and sainted for your abundance of patience with me. Thank you so much if you're still reading--and hopefully!--still enjoying.


Maggie Slater writes in Maine, where she lives with her husband and two old, cranky cats. She has seen her work published in a variety of venues, such as Dark Futures: Tales of Dystopic SF, The Zombie Feed Anthology Vol. 1, and Leading Edge Magazine #61. She currently moonlights as an assistant editor for Apex Publications. For more information about her and her current writing projects, visit her blog at .

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Thief Dilemma reviews
[COMPLETED] Megan and Daphne thought Thief was just a game. They thought that they could always restart the level and try again. But something went terribly wrong, and now, there is no turning back.
Thief: The Dark Project - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 33 - Words: 235,686 - Reviews: 113 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 9/23/2013 - Published: 3/28/2004
The Round Files reviews
Agent April Graighly is assigned to a small office in the basement of the FBI headquarters, only to find that is has not been cleaned out since the last agent. Her facination in the mysterious "X-Files" is only overridden by her intense curiousity about w
X-Files - Rated: K - English - Mystery/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 978 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Published: 3/28/2004