Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. I'm a 19-year-old college student from New York City. I enjoy writing, singing, reading, and listening to music. My favorite books are the Harry Potter Series, the His Dark Materials trilogy, the Twilight series, The Book Thief, and Nightlife. I'm currently writing my own novel, The Glint in the Moonlight, and trying to get it to turn out the way I want it. In the meantime, I procrastinate on, where I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction, and I will occasionally read a well-written His Dark Materials or Strange Days at Blake Holsey High piece. I'm an absolute SUCKER for a well-written romance. My favorite pairings are: 1. George/Angelina (HP)- now canon! woot! I don't think any of these people should get together in canon (except George/Angelina and Vaughn/Corrine), but I love a good angsty relationship (BRING ON THE POWER STRUGGLES!). I can't stand Mary Sues, so I refuse on principle to read any fics with original characters, especially when those OCs are involved with a canon character. (barf!) I also really hate when writers project their own thoughts, personalities, and speech patterns onto the characters. (Hermione does NOT have long, flowing shiny locks and Fred and George do NOT sit down and have gossip sessions on how hot the Gryffindor Chasers are with Lee Jordan.) And okay, if you ship Fred/Hermione/George, PLEASE send me a message. I would REALLY REALLY like to know what the appeal of these ships are. I can take just about any unconventional pairing as long as it, well, works. But I'm not seeing the chemistry. I might even take a Harry/Pansy Parkinson over a Fred/Hermione/George. Kiss From a Rose This is my first canon-based fiction, about my favorite couple, George and Angelina. I started writing this before I found out they got married (talk about pleasant surprises!). I was prompted by the lack of good Georgelina fics and imagining how they could have ended up together after Fred's death. It was titled after Seal's famous song, of course, because I thought the lyrics were very appropriate to the story. As it's my first story, reviews are appreciated. If people have questions, I'm pretty good about responding to reviews and private messages, so bring it on! |