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Joined 02-18-14, id: 5537282, Profile Updated: 04-04-14

Hello there glorious people of Fanfiction this is JJWalker here, I'm new to this website and hope to make stories to entertain you guys. Just in case anyone is wondering I'm a girl just getting that out of the way.

Information on myself

Name: Not saying for reasons

Age: 16

Likes: Fanfiction, Video Games, Youtube, Pokemon, Sonic, Digimon, Doctor Who, Youtube


Don't have really any

Types of Stories you may find here:

Most of the stories I may write will be either Pokemon, Sonic or Digimon it depends, I will not be including any shipping in the stories, as I don't want to get on the wrong of anyone.

I will try to write mostly one-shots and POVs, but once I get some ideas I will try and write full length stories.

I actually have tons of ideas for stories, but I rather not put them on this website just again due to reasons.

So I hope you guys can come and check out my stories leave and review, I'm open to any criticisms, I'm aware that I'm not the best writer out there

OK just saying i will not be writing stories based on Pokemon gameplay, that's why my new story got deleted, I just can't spend the time writing done every single detail, it took a whole page to write out information in Heartgold up to the rival battle, so sorry no gameplay based stories

I also happen to have a Youtube account, where I do LPs, if you guys want to check it out go to this link


The Tribal Curse by Taurus Pixie reviews
Sequel to 'The Future Disaster'. Beware of the Zanybe. Sonic was doing everything he could to heed this warning. He never really believed in destiny and magic, but as he attempts to change his future and save Amy, his actions will have a devastating affect on those closest to him. Sonic soon realises that fate will always catch up despite him being the fastest creature alive.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 29 - Words: 49,169 - Reviews: 120 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 7/28/2014 - Published: 4/18/2014 - Sonic, Amy - Complete