Author has written 38 stories for Days of Our Lives, From Dusk Till Dawn, Jackie Chan Adventures, Samurai Pizza Cats, Ace Lightning, Teen Titans, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Codename: Kids Next Door, Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Hedgehog, Land Before Time, and Butt Ugly Martians. Couples I'm in to: Robin/Raven and Robin/Jinx(Teen Titans) Beast Boy/Terra (Teen Titans) Jenny/Brad (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Jade/Hsi Wu (Jackie Chan Adventures) Raimundo/Kimiko (Xiaolin Showdown) Leonardo/Karai (Ninja Turtles) Eddie Guerrero: 1967-2005 The world of wrestling lost one of it's greatest talents last year, and then decided to exploit his death. Screw you Vince McMahon. But none the less, Latino Heat will live on in the memories of his fans. 'If we had missed the pain, we would have missed the dance.'-Garth Brooks |