Author has written 1 story for Final Fantasy VIII. They say the most horrible things But I hear violins When I close my eyes I am at the center of the sun And I cannot be hurt By anything this wicked world has doneIn case somebody's actually gonna read this, here we go: My passions in life are Final FantasyVIII and X, heavy metal, ancient history, languages (especially dead ones), money and writing. Nobuo Uematsu is a God and we all are to praise him. Best FF-characters ever are (in this order) Seifer, Auron and Sephiroth. Bnyeca Caevan. You can find my galleries at http:// and http:// yaoi.y-gallery. net/ user/ kamrusepas/ I happen to think that SxS is the best thing that ever happened to human kind. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but all my fics are named after songs. Before The Morning Comes - Original song name When The Morning Comes by Smash Mouth. Had to change the first word for it to make more sense. It's Been A While - by Staind. A really sad song, thought it fit the fic pretty well. Leave Mine To Me - by Bad Religion. Had some trouble figuring out a name for this fic, and the song name seemed to fit it. Life And Love And Why - by Switchfoot, an amazing band that doesn't get as nearly as much attention as it should. The song is utterly perfect too altho it's not the kinda music I usually listen to. Mein Herz Brennt - by Rammstein. One of my favorite songs from my favorite band. Just so filled with emotion. Fits the mood of the fic perfectly. Only Wanna Be With You - by Bay City Rollers. We listened to the song at music class in school at the time when I was starting this fic, and it seemed like a good idea. Stranger Than Fiction - by Bad Religion. I had huge pressure trying to come up with a name for the fic that was no doubt gonna be my longest and hopefully greatest. I think it turned out good. The Day After Tomorrow - by Saybia. A simply amazing song. The Ties That Bind - by Bruce Springsteen. Because of finding friends from the past and all. The Time Of The Oath - by Helloween. Because Squall's theme is called The Oath and all. Anyways, I'm still trying to rewrite this fic, but I've changed the name. The new name's better. There. I don't know if it matters to anyone, but in case someone has wondered - or even if no one hasn't - about the names of my fics, there ya go. |