Author has written 3 stories for Keeping Up Appearances. Hello! I'm an American lady of a certain age who's been a fan of Keeping Up Appearances since 1993. From 1996-2001, I was the voice of 'Aunt Hyacinth' on Brian Sturges' Keeping Up Appearances website, answering letters from socially unfortunate persons who requested Hyacinth's solutions to their etiquette questions and wrote "Hyacinth Bucket's Book of Better-Class British Cookery (for the Socially Unfortunate)." Both were a lot of fun to do. I've seen Patricia Routledge on stage as Mrs Malaprop in Sheridan's "The Rivals," as Lady Bracknell in Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest," and in the one-woman show, "Beatrix" (Potter). I met her briefly and got her autograph at the stage door. She was very nice (and remembered that I'd sent her a nice note and some flowers). I also saw Clive Swift, triple cast in "Babel Tower," at the Bridewell Theatre and had a long chat with him afterward in the bar there. And then he drove me back to my hotel. During the ride, I resisted the temptation to shout, "Mind the pedestrian!" I thought he was very interesting, quite volatile, surprisingly domineering and nothing like Richard Bucket. I liked him a lot :) Other than writing KUA fanfiction, I've had 'normal' short stories published and plays produced. My fanfiction, 'Hyacinth Camps Out' was given a staged reading by the Equity Library Theater of New York City in January 2018, Johnny Culver directed. Besides KUA, I like Foyle's War and Doc Martin and am always looking for new (to America) British shows playing over here. I love this site! |