![]() Author has written 12 stories for RWBY, Frozen, X-Men, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Superman, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Tangled. Hello there! ( = I am 19 years old and live in the USA. I really wish I didn't though because America is the biggest bully in the international playground right now. My name is Not Alexander Knight, and that's all the info you'll get out of me without asking. The tv shows I'm keeping up with right now include Arrow, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Once Upon a Time, Sherlock, Sleepy Hollow, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Red vs Blue, RWBY, Flash, Gotham, Star Wars Rebels, Supergirl, and Supernatural. Chapters will come when they come. If I abandon a story I'll make sure you know about it. Otherwise, chapters are coming... eventually. Anyone is welcome to steal any of my ideas if they want to. I would like to hear about it so that I can read your fic that uses my idea (I believe that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.) If you think I should concentrate more on one of my secondary fics or if you find something I've done wrong you can PM me and I'll be happy to hear your input. ( = I have a Fimfiction profile, which currently has one Buffyverse crossover on it. I made a Facebook page so that people who aren't often on can be notified on FB when I write something new. It will also make feedback and dialogue easier. facebook.com/ForrestibOnFFdotNet I also made a subreddit for those of us who frequent the wider side of the web. I'll also share new writings there too. Feel free to stop by and discuss with other readers, or just to ask a question. My Soundcloud profile has a few fanmade remixes and mashups you can check out. I have a profile on FictionPress too. Right now there's just some ideas over there for things I might write in the future. I also have Wikia profiles on the RWBY Fanon and Star Wars Fanon wikis. I've actually written some stuff on those that people who like my stories might be interested in. The Star Wars Fanon is also looking for new contributors if anyone would be interested in that. rwbyfanon.wikia/User:Forrestib starwars-fanon.wikia/User:Forrestib Status update: This is a list of all stories that are currently being worked on, with a brief summary of the current level of progress. 1. Frozen Hearts and Minds. I have all but two or three chapters of volume 1 completed. I just need to edit and publish. Two chapters coming February 2016. 2. Our Little Superman I only have one chapter left to write for volume 2. Chapters probably coming soon(ish) 3. Tricksters Club: Elsa Vs Azula This one-shot is actually pretty much done. I just need to find a few hours for final touches and such. Still might take a while, as it's a low priority. 4. How I Met Your Mother: Tangled Edition The untold story of Eugene Fitzherbert. I have most of it written already. It'll be released between volumes 2 and 3 of FHM. 5. Frozen Origins: The Hans Chronicles The events of the movie Frozen, as seen from a very different perspective. Also with flashbacks that paint the character of Hans in a very different light. I've got the first half hour of the movie written for. It'll be released between volumes 4 and 5 of FHM. 6. Equestria Girls: Hellmouth Harmony A Buffy/MLP crossover where the Scoobies investigate Canterlot High. I have numerous chapters written, but make no promises of finishing this one as pretty much everything else is a bigger priority. The first few chapters are out on Fimfiction. Link above. Probable future stories: These are fics I might write, eventually. Maybe. If all the others aren't keeping me too busy. 1. Serenity on Pandora Firefly/Borderlands crossover where the Serenity crew substitute for the PCs in Borderlands 2, with some stuff shifted over from the other games and a lot of cuts and rewrites wherever the plot demands. But really just an excuse to write River as a Siren. 2. Star Wars Revised A rewrite of the whole saga, from start to finish, with theme cohesion and continuity in mind. May include some pre-prequel stuff, as well as filler between films. To be honest, it's most likely that if I ever finish this outline and work out all the kinks I'll move it to a different setting and pose it as original instead. 3. Untitled RWBY/Suicide Squad crossover A potential spin-off from Our Little Superman set during Volume 3. It would be almost all adapted DC characters and would involve a criminal organization going much too far to prevent Cinder's plans. Much more likely to be written once we know more about Cinder's plans. Name suggestions are welcome. Stories up for adoption: These are unfinished stories of mine that I really want to see finished, but don't have the time to finish myself. Please message me if you want to write for one of them and I'll send you a detailed outline. 1. Legacy of War So much ambition... So much AU... 2. Maul's Final Revenge (rewrite) When I wrote this the first time, I rushed it immensely. And the story suffered greatly for it. This is not an action story. It is not a romance. It is a tragedy. This is the story of the long and slow process of Obi-Wan building a life for himself on Tatooine. He starts going by Ben. He gets a job. He makes friends. Then, at the very end, Maul arrives and destroys everything. Alexander's Laws of Fiction: These are observations I've made in my now numerous years of writing that seem to hold true regardless of genre or media. 1: "The more complicated a universe becomes, the harder it gets to rationalize why it looked mundane to begin with." In other words, if you have vampires and aliens and demons and robots all running amok on the streets, it's harder to explain how no-one notices than if you only had the vampires. I originally wrote this to describe the phenomenon for a combined effort from /r/rational to create a rational DC universe. It started with just Superman, then Batman, then Green Lantern and Flash. But with every new addition it got harder to believe that no-one found the invisible island of the Amazons until the early 1940s. 2: "The impact on the audience of the success or failure on the part of a character is directly proportional to the sacrifice made on the part of the creator to earn that outcome." Otherwise known as the "Earn Your Wham" Law. In other words, if throughout the story the hero always wins easily, with little effort and no planning required, very few people will care about any further victories. But if the hero loses badly or dies after a long string of easy successes, that has significant impact. The same is true of the reverse. If a character never wins, if they lose loved ones and survive by the skin of their teeth for most of the story, at the very end it means more when they overcome something, anything, to achieve victory. But it's more complicated than that. Because the sacrifice has to be on the part of the creator, not the character, in order for the impact to be earned. If all the pain and loss is only told in brief backstory, and all we see in the story is successes, we reject it because it hasn't been earned. The creator must make sacrifices in time and effort spent on their work if anything is going to have a major impact on the audience. This means that if a character death is meant to matter, significant time has to have been spent writing material for that character. This carries between media too. Movies and TV shows have a much easier time getting us to care about the story in much less time because a lot more effort is put into a major production than a novel. Comicbooks can pull the crazy bull they can without losing readers because they've earned it by having probable millennia of collective writer hours invested in their stories. This is one of the reasons people don't like excessive CGI in films. It takes much less effort to make the models and push the render button than to use practical effects and actually film the same shots. This is why most novels have to spend dozens of pages building up their characters when the same job is finished by the 15 minute mark in cinema. |