![]() Author has written 5 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Little Mermaid, Assassin's Creed, Cinderella, and Tangled. Hello world! I just like to write and I just find writing fanficition a good exercise to increase my writing skill. I love to read so here's my top 5 books/series to read (I have no idea why I'm doing this.) 1. Percy Jackson & the Olympians Series (Counting the Heroes of Olympus series also and anything by Rick Riordan) Bonus: I might like this series the best but I found the Blood of Olympus a huge disappoint, like why demote Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel to side characters? And when have the Greek Gods been nice? Might I remind that this all started because Zeus was salty at Percy for denying godhood and telling him what he should've been doing centuries ago. And what was with that ending?! Sorry, I just have a lot of pent up anger about this book. 2. Harry Potter Series (of course) 3. Anything by John Green (especially Looking for Alaska) 4. Cirque Du Freak Series by Darren Shan (it's actually not a famous book series but if you like bloody vampires and not sparkly ones than you should read Darren Shan, he is a master at horror writing and plot twists) 5. Anything by Mary Downing Hahn (she's a great ghost story writer and I've been reading her since I was little) 6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey (had to read it for school but one of my favorites. If you love reading about insanity, this book brings you into the thick of it.) Also, I'm into anime and mangas too since I used to draw that stuff but now, I find writing fits me better. Here's my list for that: 1. Fruits Basket (this series introduced to anime, it's very special to me) 2. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (such good action, plot, it's sooo flawless! And I love all the characters but if I had to chose, it would be Mustang.) 3. Death Note (plot is so intense and Light is so insane that is bad that I'm kinda routing for him?) 4. Baccano! (THIS IS THE BEST!!!!!! That's all I can say.) 5. Cowboy Bebop (Why, Spike? Why?!!! Oh, I think this is a spoiler XD) 6. Attack On Titan (The plot, the action, the animation, the characters, the horror, it is the BEST!) 7. Bleach (note: It took me some dedication and time to watch ALL the episodes, there's like over 300 of them but totally worth it! Oh, and I cried my eyes out at episode 342 but I won't give any spoilers) 8. Soul Eater (so funny!) Also, here's some video games I play or watch the walkthroughs of... 1. The Walking Dead Telltale, The Wolf Among Us, and Game of Thrones (OBSESSED with it) 2. Assassin's Creed Series (Big history fan) 3. The Last of Us (Beautiful, just beautiful) 4. Fire Emblem Awakening (Ha! I love this game but my favorite hubbies are Chrom, Lon'qu, and of course Gaius) 4. Beyond Two Souls (LOVE IT!) |