![]() Author has written 1 story for Glee. Hi everyone. I initially didn't plan on writing anything on my profile page. Most readers don't take the time to read the profile but I'd like to believe there are a few who would actually like to know about the writer herself. About the writer: I haven't formally introduced myself in my story so I shall do it now. My name is Hazi. That is not my full name but it's the name I prefer my friends, or in this case, readers to call me. I am 13 years old and as the flag on my profile suggests, I'm from Singapore (it's the tiny red dot on the world map in case you weren't aware). I've been writing for as long as I can remember and I've loved reading even longer. I will be in my second year of Secondary School in 2014 which is the same as being a senior in Middle School (I think). Writing is my passion, one I don't plan on giving up. I've been a Gleek since 2010, when Glee first premiered in my country and have been a proud Gleek ever since. Glee has done so much for me. Glee saved me and so have all their characters in one way or another. My Inspirations: I've never had much of an inspiration writing wise when I was growing up. In fact, although I loved writing, I was terrible at it. Ironically, the tool that helped me improve my writing was reading fanfiction and also the guidance given to me by my English teacher who I love to bits. Seriously, she's amazing. So if you were to ask me who or what inspired my passion for writing, I'll give you two answers: my English Teacher and Christopher Paul Colfer. I stopped writing for a while last year and I only started writing again because of the confidence my English Teacher had in me and I was inspired by Chris' determination to continue writing a story he started when he was 10. On another note, let's talk about Glee: My all time Favourite Characters are Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson, hands down. I am not a Kurt stan neither am I a Blaine stan. I don't believe in favouritism. If there is a fall out between them. They both share the blame. However, this doesn't mean I can't play favourites in my stories. The characters of both the Kurt and Blaine I write are slightly different than they are in canon because no matter how hard I try, I always end up writing them out of character. I do not despise any characters in Glee. Although, I'm not very fond of Mr Shue or most of the new characters, except maybe Kitty and sometimes Ryder. I can get annoyed with Tina sometimes too. While I do not like canon Sebastian, I'd like to think that if he weren't so caught up on trying to steal Blaine away, he and Kurt would make great friends. It would be fun to think about their interactions as friends. Rachel and Santana are my favourite female characters. Klaine is my OTP and I don't mind Finchel or Birttana. I love the idea of Niff as well. While in canon, Artie and Kitty are dating, I would prefer to see Kitty with Ryder to see how they would play out. I think they would be a hot couple. My Ships: Klaine is my OTP as I have mentioned and most if not all my stories will be Klaine-centric with a hint of other couples. Couples I ship - Klaine, Finchel, Brittana, Tike, Niff, Kyder Friendship - Hummelberry, Blam, Kurtbastian, Pezberry, Unholy Trinity, Raine, Hevans, Blaine/Wes/David Ships I don't mind - Dantana, Kartie, Samcedes, Huntbastian, Fabrevans, Wemma, Quick Ships I don't particularly like - Kurtofsky, Seblaine, Blina, Kadam, Faberry, Ryley, Puckleberry Ships I despise - Quintanna, Kandler/Churt, Blaine/Eli, Jarley, Brochel How to contact me: If you ever feel the need to contact me or should you have any questions you would like to ask me, feel free to use the sites stated below: Fanfiction Email - sneakyninjahazi @ hotmail . com Note: My updates depend on my schedules both at school and at home because I can't be on my computer all the time, that would just encourage my parents to take away my laptop all together so please be patient with me. My writing style is rather slow and careful. Make one mistake, and I might end up rewriting the entire chapter. I am at my best at night through early mornings meaning I can't sleep which is why when school starts, most of my updates will be during the weekend. I will try to warn you ahead of time but should I have an exam or test or Graded Assignment that I am foreced to study for or do respectively, my updates will be slower and less frequent. My parents are already breathing down my neck to at least get top 30 in my cohort of 160 pupils so I can't fall behind. Please understand my situation. Thank you for taking the time to read this page. I hope you enjoy my story and the stories I hope to post in the near future. |