Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. Welcome-- Glad you're here and reading my stories! These two Twilight stories are the first finished fanfiction I ever published, so they hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to write a story that: 1. Featured a relatively non-controversial pairing so that I didn't get flamed by haters 2. Had Claire actually getting her butt out of La Push and seeing the world before settling down. 3. Made the Quil/Claire love story a viable and believable one, while making both characters mature enough to make it sustainable (and not creepy!) 4. Featured a likable gay OC who was not a flaming cliche. 5. Let me whinge about my job a bit, while explaining why exactly I love it. 6. Offered a few good laughs, some angst!, and a happy ending. Did I succeed? You be the judge. I always love to hear what you thought about my writing-- if there was a line that touched you, a character you loved or hated, something you thought I overlooked, or just that you were here and it made you smile. makes edits complicated, so I don't intend to fix the typos that exist (and I know they do!) or probably return to this 'verse. But shrug I never know where my muses will take me. Thanks again for reading. Hope I made it worth your while. |