Author has written 2 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars. Hello there! I go by Koko, pretty obvious by the name huh? I guess you can also tell that I love... Donuts! Oh yeah and robots _ I love, love, love, love, Transformers Prime. I don't know with I'm a 'Bot or a Con... maybe I'll figure it out one day... Anyway! I do enjoy reading, but I most of the time can be found with my nose in a manga book. I love my friends, and cooking, and of course writing! :D My favorite mechs from TFP? Hmmm... Knock Out, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee SEXY. I like writing Slash and a bunch of other crazy stuff, so don't be surprised if I pull out some dark stuff _ Parings I like: Knock OutxBreakdown (OTP) OptimusxMegatron (OTP) ArceexCliffjumper (OTP) WheeljackxUltra Magnus SmokescreenxKnock Out RatchetxKnock Out OptimusxSmokescreen BumblebeexSmokescreen OptimusxKnock Out (crack OTP) BumblebeexKnock Out RatchetxOptimus Knock OutxStarscream I know, I am so strange right? I've got some weird ships up there. But I love'em |