![]() Author has written 17 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Hobbit. NEWS: -7/29/15 I don't know if anyone ever checks these pages but I thought I'd write a short note. I really want to try and write SOMETHING. So I have been re-reading my stories, which I've never read all the way through in one setting like this, nor even looked at for years. I can't believe the errors and some of the silly stuff, but at least I did seem some improvement as I went on. But I do remember the fun I had writing the various stories and creating my characters, etc. I'd like to finish some of my WIP's sitting here on my computer or I may actually start something completely different though just to get me writing again, but I won't post anything until it is complete as I don't want to leave anyone hanging in the middle of a story. I hope you're all having a great summer! About Me: I am a fifty three year old elementary school librarian living in Washington State. My favorite LOTR character has always been Aragorn. Although, Glorfindel, Halbarad Éomer, and Faramir, are also very high on my list... and I can't leave out Elrond, and Gil-Galad and... I guess I like them all. But Aragorn truly is my favorite. AWARDS: Several of my stories have won awards and I’m extremely proud of those so I’m going to list those: Brothers at Heart. 1st place 2007 MEFA Awards: Times, Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA, General. 1st place for the 2006 MC Awards – Best Work in Progress. 3rd place at the 2006 MEFA Awards – The Ruling Stewards Award for Incomplete in the Men category. Butterflies and Caterpillars. 1st place for the 2006 MC Awards – Best Young Aragorn Story. This award is extra special to me since the story is dedicated to a very close friend of mine who passed away in 2006. In Aragorn’s Safekeeping. Honorable Mention for the 2006 MEFA Awards for Genres: Drama, General. The Witch-king's Cloak. 1st place 2007 MC Awards - Biggest Laughter Story. 3rd place 2007 MEFA Awards: Genres, Humor, Parody. In Aragorn’s Safekeeping: Life in the King’s House. Honorable Mention 2007 MEFA Awards: Genres, AU, Incomplete. Comforting Silence. Honorable Mention 2007 MEFA Awards: Times, Fourth Age or Beyond, Gondor or Rohan. Dawning Hope: A Day Out. Honorable Mention 2007 MEFA Awards: Times, Mid Third Age: 2851 - 3017 TA, General. A Little Misunderstanding. 1st place 2008 MEFA Awards: Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Men. A Fitting Occupation. 1st place 2008 MEFA Awards: Races: Men: Pre-Ring War Fixed-Length Ficlets. |