Author has written 11 stories for Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men: The Movie, Harry Potter, and Spider-Man. I love a good fanfic. So... "Why not write one?" I said to myself. And in a few years, I had a computer full of stories to tell.Here's a few things about me. a/s/l: Between young and legal drinking age/female/the most uneventful state on the east coast. AstroSign: Aries ChineseZodaic: Snake Weird-o-meter(1-10): bordering on bizarre (6) Favorite things to do: Draw/paint/sculpt, sing, act, learn new languages, meditate in my own little world, write poetry and stories, play alto sax and piano, chat online, read (everything except Great Expectations), and listen to every single kind of music. Well, that's about it! Oh yeah, I also love Johnny Depp, Elijah Wood, Tom Felton, James Franco, Emma Thompson, Julie Andrews, Marlon Brando (R.I.P., you wonderful actor, you!), Alan Rickman, Ralph Fiennes (RALPH FOR VOLDEMORT!), and Viggo Mortensen. Adio, gente. Ps: OMG DID YOU SEE LATER PICS OF SIRIUS FROM THE GoF MOVIE?! There was one on a Dutch website. AAAAH EYE CANDY! God bless Gary Oldman. And long hair. If you wish to see some really good GoF pics, including and especially Sirius, e-mail me. |