![]() Author has written 24 stories for Kuroshitsuji, Misc. Books, Moulin Rouge, Wizard101, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Phantom of the Opera. Quick About Me: I'm a 10 year writing veteran, and I have attempted to publish my works elsewhere...but publishers enjoy ripping writers off. I ride horses, write books, and lint-roll all my clothes twice a day; husky owners will understand. I like working with other authors on stories, so if you wish to work with me on a story or you need a little help in some field, my email is: rugrimm16@ Random Stuff About ME!: Favorite Food: SPAGHETTI!!!! And or Chocolate/Steak... Favorite Book/Series: Warriors, Darkest Powers Trilogy, Paranormalcy, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Matched, etc. (anything magical really), To Kill A Mockingbird, The Fault in Our Stars, White Fang, Animal Farm, Anthem, Evernight, Hourglass, The Historian, The Swan Thief, Carmilla Favorite Fanfics: Commands and Caresses (Maverrat), Siren Song of the Fallen (Maverrat), This Immortal Coil (Lord Onisyr), Bloody Red Doll (Lord Onisyr), Just A Doll (StickieBun), Autumn Prison (StickieBun), Confession (StickieBun), Grell's Last Night (LilySpears), Tea and Crumpets (Undertaker's Madness), Don't Knock It Till You Try It (Begger4McGreggor), Roter Himmel, Terra Rosa (Undertaker's Madness), Fragments of a Wish (Kevin Lightshard) Favorite Pairings: GrellxWilliam (Grelliam), EnglandxAmerica, and maybe RonaldxWilliam...eh...a little UnniexGrell (sort of O_o) SaschaxRudgar (the new Shinigami pairing, LelouchxC.C, SuzakuxEuphemia, RoyMustangxRiza, KouseixTsubaki, KidxMaka Favorite Anime/Show: Too many to choose from. I think that Koe no Katachi was a brilliantly made, animated movie. As far as anime shows go, I have to say that Assassination Classroom, Shingeki no Kyojin, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Hellsing fall into some of my top slots. Favorite Anime Character: Either William T. Spears or Grell Sutcliff Animes I Have Seen: Kuroshitsuji (of course), Code Geass, Hetalia, Hellsing (original and Ultimate), Fullmetal Alchemist (orginial and Brotherhood), Wolf's Rain, Blue Exorcist, Forest of Piano, Yuri!!! on Ice, Soul Eater, Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, DragonBall (only up until a little after Kai), SwordArtOnline (up through Alicization), Princess Jellyfish, Little Witch Academia, Madoka Magika, Shingeki no Kyojin, Assassination Classroom, Your Lie in April, Psycho Pass, Fate:Zero, Violet Evergarden, Darker Than Black, One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, re:Zero, The Rising of the Shield Hero, The Promised Neverland, Tanya the Evil, Death Parade, Neon Genesis: Evangelion, Bartender, No Game No Life, and probably some others I don't remember at the moment Favorite GamesLegend of Zelda (pretty much all of them except Wind Waker because I haven't played it), Pokken Tournament DX, Hollow Knight, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Mario Kart (who doesn't?), Wizard101, Rainbow 6 Siege, PUBG, and Fire Emblem. Favorite Roleplay Partners (my fanfiction bffs): Rianne.Dogs, crazigirl If I Could Cosplay As Anyone I Would Be: Myself because I'm fabulous If I Could Roleplay As Anyone I Would Be: Most likely Grell Sutcliff. I find Grell to be a very interesting character If I Could Be Anyone Else I Would Be: No one :) If I Could Meet Any Anime Character I Would: Freak out! Some of these characters have the capability to kill me just by looking at me. Anime characters are great, but the world would end if they existed in our universe. Reapers vs. Demons: REAPERS! Demons vs. Angels: Demons, duh! What I Hate The Most: Stupidity What I Love More Than Anything In The Whole Freaking World: Well, the love of my life, naturally? AND THAT IS JUST SOME RANDOM STUFF ABOUT MWAH! :D LOLZ Xxxx Things that I do and don't do in my writing: I DO NOT: -Write the following pairings (as I despise them): AloisxClaude, WilliamxSebastian, SebastianxUndertaker, RonaldxSebastian, RonaldxUndertaker, GrellxCiel (who in the *ll came up withthat?!?!), GrellxClaude, and Madame RedxGrell (this one less so than the others) -Despise smut. The only reason I never write it is because possible future employers and publishers read my work and I'd rather not be judged and seen as a whore. But yes, I absolutely love to read smut. -Believe Grell or William should be with anyone else except each other. Grelliam is my whole world, and though I am not bias against other pairings, I do fight strongly for those two. -Tolerate bullying. -Believe in anything except CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. If you want to criticize, don't be completely bias or negative nor should you be entirely positive. CRITICIZE ME MAN!!! I want you to find every little tiny problem with my writing. Every error, every misspelling, EVERYTHING. Tell me everything I did wrong, I won't care. I just want to improve my writing. -Want you spamming my email as I am very busy and don't want to loose your email through the countless others I get. Usually I get around 200 emails a day, so emailing me every time I don't email back right away isn't going to help. I can tolerate 2 or 3 emails but 5 or more and you're getting on my nerves. Just give me a minute, and I'll reply as soon as possible. I DO: -Accept requests to put your OCs in my stories -Like to co-write with other authors and am always willing to do so. -Accept story requests as long as I have time for them and like the idea. However, if I don’t, I will tell you, because it's better than ignoring you. -Want others to post/draw pictures of my stories!!! -Have a copyright on my stories, so reposting or copying my stories without my permission WILL get you sued! -Reply to each review or message I get as soon as I can. I love my fans and appreciate meeting new people. -Accept requests to join other people in forums or to rp in private. Whatever you want, you have my email above. -Accept requests to follow or favorite an author, depending on whether or not I like your work. -Accept requests to add a story to my community, as long as it follows my community genre/guideline Xxx CURRENT STORIES I'M WORKING ON: -Woeful Calamity STORIES ON HIATUS -Death of the Shinigami (AO3) -Darkrai's Oracion STORIES ON HIATUS (MOST LIKELY FOREVER UNLESS I AM MOTIVATED TO CONTINUE) -A Foolish Figure -Phantom of the Theatre -When You're In Paris CURRENT ONE-SHOTS I AM WRITING: -"Spellbook" CURRENT STORIES I AM CONSIDERING: -Prince of Aggorabah -A second Pokemon Fanfic xxx Reviews and favorites to my story AFF earn you faster updates and more one-shots. Maybe even another story completely. Xxx Okay, that's enough random talk. Anyways, to answer your questions, my name is RuGrimm (pronounced Are you Grimm? Not Roogrim...lol) and I go by many other names. You can call me Grimm for short. Anyways, I have a deviantArt account (CrimsonxRaven16), and make sure to see my artwork there. I do accept OC requests, fanfic requests, and I am always willing to review the story of anyone who wishes it. I am an open book and my inbox is always available to you guys! :D |