![]() Author has written 9 stories for Soul Eater, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Been awhile, yeah? So I'm trying to get back into the writing groove, but many things have happened since our last encounter. I've sold my soul to a few other fandoms and this account will no longer hold only Kid/Maka fictions. I thought about making another account and keeping this one Kid/Maka, but quite fraankly I find that ridiculous and I really like my Pen Name (not to mention I'm running out of e-mails to use) This message will probably be deleted after awhile, but for those of you who still care, here you go. I'm not dead and I WILL BE FINISHING BEYOND HELP! That is one thing I refuse to give up, I hae come to far and litterally have one chapter left to post I just... have to finish it. And I want it to be good. And so you wait. Meanwhile enjoy the JeanMarco (yes, Yaoi. Yes Attack on Titan. No, no lemon. Sorry.) goodness soon to be in store. About me... Sure?: Uhmm... I guess you could say I'm one of the most boy-ish straight girls you will ever meet? I dunno. I have really short (sometimes even spiky when I feel like fixing it) dark hair (short for a girl at least), I skateboard, I go fishing, I go hiking, I have a beloved, fat bearded dragon, I'm a gamer (bioshock, Alice: Madness returns and assassins creed pwn), I'm an anime addict, I like blood and gore, I like zombies, I like JtHM (nny is amazing and his silhouette is painted on my closet door), I like to draw, I feel no need to where make-up even at the age of 17 and yes, I know I have several screws loose. Favorite Animes: Shingeki no Kyojin, Soul Eater, Death Note, Black Butler, Pokemon (the originals), Psycho-Pass Animes I watch: Blood Lad, Mirai Nikki (Future Diary), Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (The Wallflower), Ghost hound, Hetalia, Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru, Jormungand, Hellsing (tried watching it... Only got through a few episodes), Fullmetal Alchemist (Again, only got through a few episodes), Free, Fairy Tail (just started watching it...), Eden of the East, Inuyasha, Bleach, Ouran Highschool Host Club and so much more 25 Random Facts About EdgyPixel Fiction Statuses: Updated as of 8/1/14 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.:After the screw-up upstairs being the titan era, all casualties were offered a second chance at a fairly normal life, but only a few took the opportunity, leaving Jean relatively lonely with a considerably pesterous voice in his head that is a particular Marco Bodt. Nothing is exactly guaranteed in this life, mind you. AU Jeanmarco and all that jazz. With appearances of the rest of the cast. My current child. In a beta run on this site, but will probably make it's home in Archive of Our Own. Beyond Help: One morning Death City was buzzing, the next day it's a ghost town, leaving 7 meisters and weapons. They now face a new enemy, but will they also have to find a new way to defend themselves? Eventual KiMa (which is why I wrote this, so it's my ultimate focus more or less) Character deaths, but not anyone major. Zombies. Yes, Zombies. And not the 'Sid' kind. Being updated when it is; Teach Me How to Fight: Maka Albarn and Death The Kidd were two of the most brilliant minds at the orphanage academy, but what happens if they have other aspirations other than what the academy holds for them? I wrote alot of this... but hit a major road block. On Hiatus. Aloha, Paradise!: What happens when the meisters of the DWMA are sent on a Meister's Confrence in Hawaii? Possibly a multi-part fluff One-shot for KidxMaka, though I don't see it going passed 3 Chapters. I give up on this summary. Hiatus/Lost interest Soul Eater: A Collection of Tales: All of you favorite fairy tales told through the cast of Soul Eater; with a KiddxMaka twist. One-shots. This more than likely will not be updated regularly, but in spurts as I am inspired to write more. Feel free to suggest a fairy tale. |