Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. ==================Profile: ================== -Name : Yume Boring stuff no one wants to hear: - My name is Yume. No, you may not know my real name. I am an underaged girl from Taiwan who resides in the state of Texas in the USA. - I'm entering the Ninth Grade in two months. [Thank god] - I like fanfiction and fanart[thank you Card Captor Sakura]. - I'm TOLERANT of yaoi as long as it's mild. That is to say, i don't mind it. It all started during my, thankfully, short YugiOh obsession. Back then, i was still straight pairings all the way. Thanks to the YGO fandom on , my mind was forever corrupted. - My current Anime/Manga obsession is of course, the brilliant series 'Naruto' by the amazing Kishimoto-san. - My current Game obsession is the videogame, Final Fantasy VII, copyrighted by Squaresoft. Supports: ANIME: My Stories: - Memories Lost and Found: [Ongoing: Temporary Hiatus[Yaoi[SasukeXNaruto] Story Requests: -Series: [The only ones accepted are the ones listed above] That's the form, fill it out, send it to me, and i'll respond in a maximum of 5 days. If i don't send it back by then, then email me again. It might be a problem with my email system. ^.^ -Yume-chan |
The SOC Puppet (4) |