Author has written 3 stories for PAW Patrol.
Hi everyone!
I apologise for not having an update for Skye's Limit released as of yet. I know I said it'd be a weekly update however to ensure the story I am producing is of decent quality, I've had to retcon a few ideas and redo the storyline. It won't affect the story you have read so far.
The idea of this story originally came from one of my longest time followers, Rescue Wolf, who approached me with the idea during my time writing Burning Responsibility years ago and I want to make sure the story lives up to their expectations.
I will be writing every chapter now when the story is complete, I will be releasing it two chapters a week until it is finished.
This means you probably will not see an update in the story for a few weeks, maybe even a month or so. I refuse to quit stories as I've made clear in the past it's one of my most hated things for an author to just give up on a story.
So please be patient. The story isn't forgotten, it's gone back to planning as I didn't like the direction it was headed.
Due to the number of people asking, I've decided to put a few answers to various questions on here. Feel free to ask me more.
What's your name:
PupPupGo, and that's all you need to know. Like I'm gonna give out my actual name :) Sorry.
United Kingdom. (It sorta sucks, lots of rain..)
Male. (Lots of people think I'm female. Not bothered by that, just sort of makes me laugh sometimes).
Why'd you start writing Paw Patrol Stuff/Why are you into Paw Patrol:
So this is a fair question. Paw Patrol is tailored towards an audience of toddlers and preschoolers, obviously. BUT, I like how unique they make every character, and because of that, you get a LOT of writing material that you don't get in a lot of other shows. Why I watch it? Well, I used to babysit for some neighbours, and they watched it, (the UK version *shudder*). I looked up more episodes, found the US version of Paw Patrol and for some reason I was just hooked to it.
What version of Paw Patrol do you watch?:
Now this is a good question, and I'd like to clarify that I HATE the voice acting in the 'British' aired version. I don't get why they need a dub. Chase sounds like he's 20 or something, so does Rubble. (Also, sometimes in the UK, he's referred to as Digger instead of Rubble). Plus, they all have that stereotypical posh British accent. So, I wait for the American versions to air because their voices fit the characters much better. (By the way, I'm from the UK). For anyone who doesn't get what I'm talking about, I implore you to go listen to Chase's voice actor in the British version.
Why is there even a dub? Spongebob doesn't get dubbed over with British actors. They still speak english in the american version, and the characters just have more... character.
Favourite pup?:
Not sure I actually have one. Somewhere between Rocky and Marshall I guess?
Favourite Episode?:
Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone is still my overall favourite, but honestly, there are literally so many episodes to date, so it's difficult to choose specific ones. I suppose any that make pups take a role that they would otherwise not undertake, such as when Chase drives Rubble's rig, or Zuma.. driving Rubble's rig.. Seeing a pattern here.
I don't mind the Mighty Pups episodes, but I'm not a massive fan of the supernatural or superpowered in the series. I also think they under utilise the characters in it.
Least Favourite Episode
The dream episodes, and the alien episodes. I know its a show about cartoon dogs that talk and drive cars/boats/helicopters, and there is some wiggle room for random things, but the dreamscape episodes are just daft. They always start and end the same way, with one of the pups, so far either Rubble or Marshall, (and for some reason, Tracker?), falling asleep for some inane reason, and then waking up after the episode is over and thinking it was all real. And the situations just aren't realistic. Once again, aimed for kids, I know, but dinosaurs in Adventure Bay? The only one I can live with is Pups Save a Tiny Marshall, as Ryder and Rocky invent a shrink ray, and whilst this isn't realistic, it at least fits with the show.
Aaaand then there's the alien episodes. I actually cannot bring myself to watch these. I've watched about 3 minutes of the first one, and I hate it. The alien sounds obnoxious, and the pups interacting with it is equally so. So, I'm not ever gonna mention them again.
Favourite HUMAN character:
Honestly, the go to for this answer would be Ryder, because.. well it's Ryder. The show confirmed he's an absolute genius, part of me likes to think that he made the Lookout too. (I'd love some backstory episodes like we got for Rubble on Ryder and the others). But aside from Ryder, It's actually a tie between Mayor Goodway and Jake. Jake is pretty badass, snowboarding down the side of a cliff, and sometimes, Mayor Goodway genuinely makes me smile. Her earlier antics in the series back in the first few seasons were somewhat... pathetic, but they've improved her and actually made her helpful.
Ever since Mighty Pups as well, we've seen a little more of Ryder being a genius, building a puppad in the basement of the lookout. Which itself was pretty cool to see as well, considering we rarely see more than the command room or the living area on the bottom floor.
Least Favourite Character:
Wow. For a show about colourful, likeable characters, you sure do end up hating a lot of them. Alex. Thick as shit, always doing stupid stuff. Mayor Humdinger. I get they needed an antagonist, but some of this shit he's pulled is worth jailtime, I'm surprised Chase does't lock him up. Dude stole royalty in that Ultimate Rescue episode. Finally, Daring Danny X. Danny is just so... hateable in everyway. Almost every situation he gets himself into is through sheer stupidity, not to mention the dick stole the Paw Patroller and plowed it straight into the ocean. Surprised Ryder even talks to him after that, he just doesn't listen to a word Ryder or the Pups say.
Things I wanna see more of in the show:
God, wow, this is easily gonna be the longest section.
It'd be nice to see more.. "extreme" rescues for the pups, especially Chase, Zuma and Marshall. Marshall is a firedog and he rarely puts out fires. I like the episode where Marshall tells Alex and Mr Porter about fire safety, because I honestly didn't see him as much of a firepup until then. Plus, we rarely see him as an EMT anymore. Maybe be nice to see him do more with that. Obviously they won't do blood and gore, I dont even think they can do broken bones, just sprains. (And an update on this, we now never see him EMT anything)
Chase never arrests anyone. I mean, seriously, I guarantee you. For a police pup, he just does a lot of traffic control and herding. Be nice to catch a robber or something and have Chase arrest him. Thought that was gonna happen in the Ultimate Rescue episode but nope.
Zuma is just underused. That's all I have to say about him. He just needs to be used more often.
Sea Patrol episodes are fun. Whilst Sid is annoying, at least he isn't Danny. I know we have more of them coming because of the episode summary on the wikia page. I just love the scene where the Sea Patroller comes out of the pier, plus the music is pretty good too.
As far as I know, Mission PAW is also gone now too, replaced by Ultimate Rescue. (Which I prefer btw). But it would be nice to see that a few more times.
That's all the questions I was asked. Feel free to ask anymore.