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Joined 04-03-13, id: 4642027, Profile Updated: 11-07-14
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto.

My name: Is the shackle that binds me.

My age: Irrelevant. (Older then him, but younger then her)

Sex: No fat chicks.

My likes: Whatever manages to catch my attention.

My dislikes: Whatever doesn't catch my attention/and running out of alcohol.

My hobbies: Going to heavy seal populated areas with a shotgun and shooting

them in the head while drinking vodka. I go home when my bottles empty.

Seriously these things are everywhere in my town. The fishing is starting

to get effected. Damn sharks are getting lazy!


My top Five Most Honorable Mentions.


9.Terumi Mei



My top Five Naruto characters.

5.Killer B



2.Fu (Nanabi Jinchuuriki)


My top Five Least Honorable Mentions.

10.Minato (he may be a great Hokage but he's a shit father)





My top five hated Naruto characters.





1.Naruto (I know it's weird but I just don't like him)

My top five Naruto pairings.


4.Naruto/Fem Kyuubi

3.Naruto/Kushina (what can I say I'm a freak)


1.Naruko/any female (yuri for the win)

My top five hated Naruto pairings.

5.Naruto/any guy (I have no problem with dudes that want to fuck other dudes I just don't want to read about it. It's just not as sexy as girls that want to fuck other girls)

4.Sasuke/Hinata (whoever started this...abomination of a ship needs to be shot 5 times stabbed 20 times then shot 3 more times thrown into a ten foot deep hole filled with salt water and anti-freeze and left there for 10 minutes then pulled out set on fire and finally thrown head first into an industrial shredder. I can't even begin to understand how this could possibly be a good idea.)

3.anyone older then 40/anyone younger then 20 (I actually stumbled on a fic were some sicko did a Hanabi/Hiruzen pairing. *SHUDDERS* How sick and wrong is that.)

2.Sauske/Kushina (I just don't like this it feels way to NTR to me even when it's not)

1.Naruko/any guy (It is my firm belief that Naruko must always be a carpet muncher. It just wouldn't feel right any other way. The only exception being Naruko/Naruto)


1. Who's the last person you talked to and what did you say?

My dad in the kitchen. "When is my truck getting here?"

2. Where are you?

I'm somewhere. Bet you can't find me.

3. Look up, now look back. What did you see?

All the spiders that I killed. (I should probably clean that up)

4. What's the last thing you ate?

Pulled pork sub with bacon.

5. What's your personality like?

It's whatever I feel like being that day.

6. Who do you have a crush on?

No one.

7. What was the last thing you thought?

'7. What was the last thing you thought?' Was the last thing I thought.

8. You have a million dollars. What do you do?

I continue my job at the Mexican Restaurant because a million dollars don't do shit anymore. This isn't the 60's.

9. What are you eating/drinking RIGHT NOW?

A can of 'FourLoco' and some pringles.

10. What are you thinking RIGHT NOW?

'Sexy Anthro Fluttershy'

11. What's it like being you?

Not as fun as you might think.

12. What are your thoughts on writing?

Writing is the only way to get people to listen to my thoughts.

13. How tall are you?

I'm tall.

14. What book are you currently reading?

The art of War

15. What music are you listening to?

I listen to Metal:

Viking Power Folk

Thrash Medieval Doom

Symphonic Gothic Celtic

Pagan Glam

16. What was the last website you visited before fan fiction?

17. What was the last thing you cooked?

Sweet and Sour Pork with Chicken flavored rice. (I'm a surprisingly good cook)

18. How many different programs are open on your computer right now?


19. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 81, and find line 4.

That involves walking to the other side of my room and I don't feel like doing that.

20. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

My fan, the AC, the game in my X-Box 360, and I'm not 100% on this but I think my neighbors wife is 'scratching her itch' right now. (yes that means exactly what you think it means)

21. When did you last step outside?

two and a half hours ago.

22. What are you wearing?


23. Did you dream last night?

Not really

24. When did you last laugh?

I was driving down the road earlier today when I saw a guy jogging trip and roll into a small pound. I drove off literally LMAO.

25. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

A wall rack with three useable full contact swords, a couple of scroll paintings I got when I was in China and a gun rack with an M4 Super-90, and a 4-Bore rifle

26. Seen anything weird lately?

I saw a duck beat the shit out of a cat.

27. What is the last film you saw?

The Hunt For Red October

28. Tell me something about you that I don't know.

I'm not good at things I don't do well

29. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

Get rid of Democracy. It's the most flawed and complex form of government to exist. Bring back the Monarchs!

30. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

'Disappointing' because I want my first child to be a girl.

31. Would you ever consider living abroad?

YES!! The USA sucks!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Naruto Challenge Stories reviews
I'm posting several challenges for people would like to try and write. I know I'm not allowed to post challenge fics but I think that's bull! This is the easiest way to let others see them and I've seen others does this thousands of times. I honestly don't think it's that big of a deal. Anyway here are some Naruto challenge story ideas for whoever is interested.
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Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 17,660 - Reviews: 145 - Favs: 435 - Follows: 446 - Updated: 2/18/2015 - Published: 7/8/2014 - Kaguya Ō., Naruko U.