![]() Author has written 4 stories for Hamtaro, and My Little Pony. I am the older brother of LightningSpike. How to Review When you're reviewing my stories (or anyone's, but I'm just making the point here), there are cheap reviews and there are meaningful reviews. All reviews are appreciated, just... some are more useful than others. Cheap reviews are things consisting mostly of plot summaries or unqualified statements (both praise and criticism). They're nice (even flaming, watching people get mad at the Internet is hilarious), but not fantastically helpful. Meaningful reviews have thoughtful, evidenced critique and/or specific praise. This helps the author recognise their strengths and weaknesses, and capitalize/work on them. Just a little critique on critique. (Thanks to hahatimeforponies for letting me repost this from his profile!) Interesting fact of the, well, some time period...: I have had the same Penname since November 1st, 2003, just 1 month after I got my account, and it is now August of 2011! Except not anymore, I changed it September of 2011! Updates: 11-20-05: I'm so sorry I take freakin' forever to update! I just, don't know... I should have it up by Christmas, maybe even before then... I've just been so busy, and haven't felt like writing. But I'll finish it in time for Christmas! 5-29-06: That's right peoples, I'm back! (& not dead). Sorry, I've just been so busy with school and all. The writing is going... ughh... slow. As have all my writings. I feel so guilty for keeping you guys in suspence. Which is why, after I finish my 2 current fanfics, I am taking on a rescriction. This restriction will restrict me to writing only one-shots that come out of the top of my head, and reviews. This way, I can finish a majority of the chapters and my updating schedule can be more consistent. Yay! 7-4-11: I'm gonna be honest with you: I never expected to come back to this place at all, let alone log back into my account, and review somethings. I must say though, I will finish the two Hamtaro fics that I currently have going on, (A Love Story! is completely completed, as in, it's all written, so all that's left is the 2nd and final chapter of HamChat History) so, yeah. After that though, I don't want to say I've completely abandoned the fic ideas I have written down below, they're not even on my priority list. Maybe someday, I'll come back, and finish them (hey, nothing's impossible, right?) but my love for Hamtaro has mostly waned, in favor of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. I'm gonna be working on fics for that, and if, sometime, I find myself running dry on ideas, I may just start work on those Hamtaro fics, but that's a big maybe. Also, so you don't freak out, I'll update A Love Story, and then change my penname to something that I like better. I'm putting this here so you'll realize that I'm the same person. Anyways, see ya later! 7-10-11: Y'know, I'm finally getting around to completely revamping my profile. Looking back on it, it seems so far away that I wrote those things that I wrote, that I had one of those moments, the kind where you look over what you've written and find it incredibly basic and childish, but also nostalgic in a way. And I can't believe that I, personally, was ever that young, so foolish, naive, and yet, energetic, idealistic. Huh. Well, anyways, the fic's coming along, blah blah blah. More details to follow. 8-25-11: Wow, I never expected it to be so hard to get back into writing! Anyway, the second (and final) chapter of HamChat History is nearly complete now, so as soon as that's done, I'll post it, and I can finally start work on fics that I'm really, truly, genuinely excited about! Huh, a bit of reminiscing now. I remember, when to me, 1,000 words or so was "a long chapter" and also a suitable length for such. I now realize, that with the 2nd chapter at 3,611 words, and still not quite done, how naive I was, because even at that length, it feels condensed to me, but by the time I get around to writing my fimfics (as I like to call them), I'll have a much easier time writing them, because I already have extensive idea sheets for them (whereas for the 2nd chapter of HCH I'm flying by the seat of my pants), I'm much more excited about them, and I'll have pre-readers proofreading and giving suggestions. Man, you would not BELIEVE what a pain it's been to write HCH as I come up with it (or maybe you would, who knows?). I'm never doing that (writing without extensive planning) again. 8-27-11: Finally got HCH CH2 done. And ALS! CH7 posted. More to come later. 9-30-11: Good god, does it feel good to have both my old fics finally completely uploaded and complete, because now I feel like I can put them behind me, only looking at them to remember my mistakes so I don't make the same ones again. Anyways, I think I'll start writing again once I finish up fall semester of my sophomore year, which will happen in the middle of December. So look forward to then! PS: I have an account at Fictionpress.com, and over there I am also known as Jonny Manz. Look for me at Jonny Manz. Stats: kattx: First Reviewer Ryuujin: First Signed Reviewer Signed Reviews Submitted Count: 141 and counting! (Somebody must've deleted their stories, and so I lost some reviews. Oh well, it doesn't matter to me like it used to) Name: Jonathan (Below is my Japanese Name) My Japanese name is Atsutane. Nicknames: Bubsy, Bubs, Bon. Age: 19 Birthday: March 12th Gender: Male Location: California (Where in California, I'll never tell.) Grade: College Sophomore (14th?) Previous Pennames: Jonathan The Caveham, Jonathan The Lemon Freak, Jonathan The Ham-Ham. Favorite Instrument: French Horn (I play it in my school band), Mellaphone (the marching version of a French Horn) People that have me on their favorite authors list: lspike - gone from , AnimeFreek101, BeautyInBlack, HamClover, Hamtaro Sage, Terra-Malfoy People that have me on their author alert lists: Terra-Malfoy, lspike - gone from , Supah Bob Favorite Anime(s): Hamtaro, Pokemon, Naruto, One Piece, Naruto: Shippuden, Bleach, Death Note, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, FLCL, Dragon Ball Z Kai Favorite Cartoon(s): Spongebob SqaurePants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, -My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- Favorite TV Shows: My Name is Earl, Monk, -Burn Notice-, House, Psych. Two dashes around something: denotes currently favorite show, one in each catagory. Favorite Ponies (or, rather, chatacters from MLP:FiM): 1. Twilight Sparkle 1a. Princess Celestia 1b. Princess Luna (Temporarily, until I can examine her personality more thoroughly in Ep 4, and either make her permanent, or move her down [though my money's on the former]) 2. Rarity 3. Fluttershy 4. Apple Bloom 5. Sweetie Belle 6. Pinkie Pie 7. Rainbow Dash 8. Applejack 9. Scootaloo 10. The Great and Powerful Trixie Dead Last. Gilda I could add background and fanon characters, but honestly, what would be the point? Though I might add more named, speaking characters later. My Ranking of the Episodes (Subject to a lot of change): 1. Season 1, Episode 25: "Party of One" 2. Season 1, Episode 23: "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" 3. Season 1, Episode 2: "Friendship is Magic, Part 2 (Elements of Harmony)" 4. Season 1, Episode 16: "Sonic Rainboom" 5. Season 1, Episode 9: "Bridle Gossip" 6. Season 1, Episode 17: "Stare Master" 7. Season 1, Episode 22: "A Bird in the Hoof" 8. Season 1, Episode 24: "Owl's Well that Ends Well" 9. Season 1, Episode 20: "Green Isn't Your Color" 10. Season 1, Episode 14: "Suited For Success" 11. Season 1, Episode 1: "Friendship is Magic, Part 1 (Mare in the Moon)" 12. Season 1, Episode 7: "Dragonshy" 13. Season 1, Episode 15: "Feeling Pinkie Keen" 14. Season 1, Episode 18: "The Show Stoppers" 15. Season 1, Episode 19: "A Dog and Pony Show" 16. Season 1, Episode 8: "Look Before You Sleep" 17. Season 1, Episode 21: "Over a Barrel" 18. Season 1, Episode 26: "The Best Night Ever" 19. Season 1, Episode 10: "Swarm of the Century" 20. Season 1, Episode 4: "Applebuck Season" 21. Season 1, Episode 6: "Boast Busters" 22. Season 1, Episode 3: "The Ticket Master" 23. Season 1, Episode 11: "Winter Wrap Up" 24. Season 1, Episode 12: "Call of the Cutie" 25. Season 1, Episode 13: "Fall Weather Friends" 26. Season 1, Episode 5: "Griffon the Brush-Off" Favorite Quotes: "Pinkie Pie, you are so random!" - Rainbow Dash "It needs to be about 20% cooler." - Rainbow Dash More quotes coming soon! New fanfics that I might write, someday (If my love of Hamtaro is ever reignited like it is burning now for MLP: FIM): Hamtaro: A Love Story! (Uncut/Uncensored) Rating: (Actually, to be safe, I'm going to post it on and have it rated NC-17 just to be safe, because there will be graphic scenes, and if you don't know what I'm talking about... Figure it out for yourselves) Summary: This will include the scenes, the swear words, everything that had to be edited out to keep it at a T level! Adventures in Sunflower City, and many fics related to it! Rating: Each chapter will have a seperate rating, so when I get an M chapter written, it'll be M, but before that, It'll be the rating of the highest rated chapter. Summary: Just the hams (and my) different adventures. Little sub-stories in one big one (although not all of them will be) Hamtaro stories that are related to Adventures in Sunflower City: Ham-Ham Middle School Rating: T Summary: I'm sure you've all heard of the all too famous (and infamous) fanfic "Ham-Ham High School", but what about their adventures in Middle School? (yes, I'll be in this fanfic, and the events are mostly going to be based on things that have happened to me so far in middle school). Anyway, one of my inventions (not in real life) goes awry, and the hams are all de-aged back to middle school age, so I attend it with them! (Actually, the plot is still pending) New Fics that Are Currently in the Planning Stages: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Title: Celestia's Wonderfully Fantastical Misadventures (Tentative Title) Rating: Pending Summary: TBD Title: The Secret of the Alicorns (Tentative Title) Rating: Pending Summary: The two Princesses, Celestia and Luna, have been ruling Equestria longer than anypony can remember. But how did these two supreme beings come to be? Just what is an Alicorn, anyway, and how do they exist? After a particularly graphic dream shared between the two princesses (NOT A FINALIZED DETAIL), they decide it is time for Twilight Sparkle and her friends to learn the truth. But what could their reasons be? Title: Save Luna! (Working Title) Rating: Pending Summary: One day, Princess Celestia calls Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot, as Princess Luna has gone missing without a trace, or rather, has run away! What could she be doing, what could have caused her to want to flee, and does Celestia know more about the situation than she's letting on? (Kind of a lead in to "The Secret of the Alicorns") Fics that I have finished Rough Drafts for: None Yet! Fics that are being pre-read over/edited: None Yet! Fics that I have finished Final Drafts for: None Yet! Completely Completed Fics (Posted and Everything): None Yet! More fanfics coming soon to the list! |
Community: | Canon Couples Canyon |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Hamtaro |