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![]() Author has written 1 story for Hetalia - Axis Powers. CURRENT Members of The Epic Turtles: Jywy (aka Lily) writes in bold because she is fierce WHATUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP Epic F. Awesomesauce (aka Epic) writes in italic AND IS ALSO THE MOTHERFUCKING SENPAI WHATUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP VivaAmerica (aka Viva) writes in plain because she is straight WHATUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPSTARFIRE67 (aka STAR or K) writes in bold/italics because she looks normal until further inspection (i.e. you bring up Hetalia)...and she has many deep dark secrets. (Which the other turtles will probably force out of her now that she's mentioned them XD) WHATUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP Retired MicroClown (aka Micro) is gone and that makes me sad WHATUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- sobTrespassing in our property? You're asking for your vital regions to be seized! Ohonhonhon! This is a shared account with 4 people! One of them is Jywy, but you can call me Lily! Lily's POV of how we met: One day Lily was minding her own business in the fanfiction site, looking around for some stories. She came upon one of MicroClown's fanfiction, and she liked it. Then she decided to click the "Review" button and upon seeing other reviewers, she decided to troll someone. That person was Epic F. Awesomesauce. What was a suppose to be troll turned out to be an awesome conversation. Either that, or Lily sucks at trolling. Then Lily talked to Micro on FF. And as it turns out, Micro and Epic liked each other's stories! And they liked Lily's! And we have many of the same pairings! What is this? thought Lily. Could this be...DESTINY? She saw other awesome stories with joint accounts. It was time they had their own. Forces combine, they are on their way to world domination. Until Lily got distracted by something delicious smelling. Food was food. Then one day, a fanfictioner named VivaAmerica came along. Viva become close friends with Epic and Jywy, then BAM. Viva is now an Epic Turtle. It was this point, we decided to change the name to "The Epic Turtles", after the fact that turtles swarmed around the Spamano scene once. Yup. We were those turtles. AND THEN THERE WAS EPIC!! (I'm gonna write all my shiz in Italic so that you know who's talking. At least when I'm talking. XD) Hello!! Epic F. Awesomesauce here!! I would put one of those blue thingies like Lily's got but, sadly, I am not computerly knowledgeable, so that's out! (Edit: I copied that blue thingy from Lily's profile-thing. How did I not think of this before?) You can call me Epic, or Emma, I suppose (which isn't actually my real name, it's the shortening of my real name, because I'm MYSTERIOUS) but I'd actually prefer Epic because it's, well, EPIC. Now, I must admit that I have NO IDEA what Lily is talking about up there!! I don't remember her trolling me at all!!! MY version of events might have gone something like this: (Edit: Turns out she actually DID troll me, but I just kind of went with it. O_O) One day, a girl of fifteen called Epic F. Awesomesauce was scrolling through the Spamano stories, looking for something to fangirl about. She found something by someone called MicroClown and then she read it, and somehow Jywy came into the picture, though Epic cannot remember how. Or it might have gone like this: One day, a girl of fifteen called Epic F. Awesomesauce was scrolling through her own stories, checking for reviews, when she saw that- gasp! -one of her stories had reviews graced upon it, and so she, being the strange weird person that she is, answered it, and then somehow Jywy came into the picture, though Epic cannot remember how. (Edit: So actually this is what happened, plus the whole Lily trolling me thing, which I didn't even know happened.) Or it could have been something COMPLETELY different!!! (Edit: It wasn't.) I can't remember!!! But don't worry, that's normal!!! In the words of Albus Dumbledore from Potter Puppet Pals, "I can't even remember five minutes ago!" In loving memory of our retired turtle: jeez you act like she dead whaddafug And last, but certainly not least... I give you MICROCLOWN!!! *applause* bows* Oh please, call me Micro (; And this is how I remember the preceding events... One lovely January evening, a young girl by the name of Microclown was, as usual, obsessively checking for any new stories involving Spain and Romano. Eventually she came across one by Epic F. Awesomesauce which promised to contain "Cuteness that could possibly rot your brain straight to mush" and found that it kept to it's promise quite well. So naturally she decided to read and review some of the author's other stories, which made the author happy so that she was kind enough to visit Micro's page and read her story. At some point Jywy started talking to Micro as well and after Micro read her awesome stories, Jywy came up with the amazing idea of a joint account. And thus this was born. ...although micro will have some trouble since she still barely knows how to use fanfiction ): But Lily loves her fanfiction! :D Wait, was that Lily who wrote that or Micro? Should I have come down here and said "OMG I LOVE MICRO'S FANFICTION!" and been, like, a good friend? Hhhhhmmm... Yes. I, Lily, wrote that. XD I like how we are chatting on our own profile.
I wasn't blaming this on anyone, BUT OK. IT'S NOW ALL YOUR FAULT, DAMMIT//shot (jk) FINE, IT'S ALL MY FAULT. HAVE ALL THE FAULTS. THE FAULTS IN OUR STARS. Um... Hi! I'm VivaAmerica, you can just call me Viva though. I'm not quite sure how I got here but it went something like this: Once upon a time, a shy fanfiction writer named Viva was looking through FanFiction for some awesome stories to read (at the time she didn't have an account, she was too shy) and she stumbled across a collection of one shots written by Epic F. Awesomesauce. Epic was accepting requests so Viva sent a few in and over time Epic randomly complained about how she couldn't chat with Viva since she was merely a guest. In her next review Viva admitted that she had several stories but she was too shy to post them. She thought that would be the end of it. But it wasn't, for in an author's note Epic wrote, WAIT SO VIVAAMERICA ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU'RE TOO SHY TO POST YOUR FANFICS?! BECAUSE I WILL CERTAINLY READ THEM, AT THE VERY LEAST, AND I REVIEW LITERALLY EVERY CHAPTER SO THEN YOU'LL FEEL PRETTY AWESOMENESS! ((Did I ever actually do this? Oh wait yeah I did didn't I. Huh. Wow. I DO keep promises. Someone alert the devil that I won't be goin' to hell just yet.)) Shocked and slightly amused by this outburst, Viva decided to take a chance and get an account of her own. To her immense surprise, her stories were well received and she continued posting them. Soon after getting an account she got a mysterious PM by the strange Jywy. Jywy, or Lily as she likes to be known, admitted that she had been stalking all of her reviews to Epic's story. Once again shocked and slightly amused, Viva soon formed a close friendship with her and Epic. It was a couple of weeks later when Lily asked out of the blue, "Hey, do you want to join The Epic Trio?" Viva was stunned, she wanted her to join?! Surely there must be some kind of mistake!! But wait! Epic wanted her to join too! And so, dazed and slightly confused by the honor, VivaAmerica joined The Epic Turtles. THE END That's the story of how I, Epic F. Awesomesauce, was a bamf, just so you all know. *cries* Look at cute little Viva now!! I, of course, take all the credit//shot GURL YOU DON'T HOG ALL THE CREDIT AND NOW MY STALKER SIDE HAS BEEN REVEALED YOU LITTLE CHILD. Uh... I think they already know Lily. XD STOP PRETENDING YOU'RE MORE AWESOME THEN ME. Well, I know for a fact I'm more epic than both of you. ;D Omg be quiet and listen to your senpai. Hi...I'm STARFIRE67 AKA STAR AKA K...whichever you prefer... The story begins with a mousy, timid auburn-haired girl with plain hazel eyes. One day she looked up an anime called "Hetalia". This girl is me. After months of watching Hetalia and exploring its fandom, I discovered a fanfiction called "Loose Change" written by Epic F. Awesomesauce. I was...intrigued. It looked interesting, and how could I ignore an author named Epic? As I read (and even requested some of) the chapters, I learned several important thing: 1) There was another author named Jywy who wrote great stories also, 2) There was another shyer author (but just as great) named VivaAmerica, 3) Epic was a seriously cool person, and 4) SpaMano and yaoi were beautiful things. I also found a fanfiction by VivaAmerica called "Disneytalia". This introduced me to a new friend and a bunch of songs I'd never heard before (two really great things). I got to know both her and Epic through PMs, and I was happy. Time passed for me at an alarming rate, and before I knew it, I'd published a story and found out my love for the Hetalia character South Italy. Life was great; I couldn't ask for anything better. My favorite stories were being updated and my favorite authors were still active. Then I learned of the Epic Turtles. And before much longer, I was offered the chance to join them. And now, I think, a new chapter is beginning. :) Until next time! STARFIRE67 |