Author has written 14 stories for Glee. Don't worry, everyone. I'm the legit GKF that you've been reading on LJ, Tumblr, and AO3. :) 3/18/2013: I'm not an idiot, people. If I suddenly get 12 anon reviews in about the same amount of minutes on a story, I know it's just one person attempting to spam my review board. For the record, my policy on spam is this: I delete it. I don't care if it's a positive review or a negative one. If I suddenly get a flood of anon reviews with a very short period of time between them, I will delete all of those reviews. You're welcome to leave a single review (or even two if there's character limits or something involved) on a chapter/story just like everyone else and I'll publish all of them, positive or negative. It's the spam I don't tolerate and, just in case the spammer is reading this: Sending a ton of messages pretending to be multiple people and begging me to continue a story will probably end up working to the opposite effect. I'm sure some people will think I'm being snotty about this, but having to wade through all of the alerts FFN gives me via my iPod's wireless when I get spammed doesn't exactly leave me in a good mood. 4/4/2013: I will update fics as I write them and in the order I choose to work on them. Complaining in a "review" about how I am not updating one fic when I am working on another will not actually make me update the fic you're complaining about about. The fact of the matter is, I simply cannot update a fic for which I have nothing new to add to, which is why there are no updates for UGKMF#3 nor will there be any in the near future as I am simply not working on that fic right now. Current status of my fics: UGKMF#1: There will be no sequel or continuation as I was spammed for updates to the point where I currently do not care in the slightest about ever writing in that universe again. At the end of the last deluge of spam, I was honestly considering taking the story down all together just to make it stop. UGKMF#2: There is a complete sequel/spinoff. UGKMF#3: On hiatus until I get inspiration for another scene. UGKMF#4: On to Variation B of which most is written but there's still maybe another chapter/epilogue to write. The fic will then be complete without any intention to continue. UGKMF#2 Spinoff: Complete and titled Unexpected Love. Triple Digit Ride: Chapters will be sporadic and directly related to how much inspiration and time I have to devote to it. The prompter had a lot of ideas, so that part shouldn't be a problem, but the time I have available for writing fanfic in my life isn't always the greatest. I'm going to do my best to keep updating, but I'm afraid the updates won't always be as fast as the first couple or so chapters. Sorry. A Dire Predicament: Not currently being worked on. Oneshots: Please consider them complete as posted and don't ask me to continue them. Most of these are pieces I've pulled out of my old files and just dusted off for the purpose of sharing. It's been a long time since I've even looked at several of them and I can't even imagine what the surrounding stories might have been any longer. Sorry. |