Author has written 24 stories for Power Rangers, Legend of Zelda, X-overs, StarCraft, Zoids, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, Cardfight!! Vanguard/CARDFIGHT!! ヴァンガード, Future Card Buddyfight/フューチャーカード バディファイト, Scooby Doo, Pokémon, Gods Eater Burst, Persona Series, Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, Dragon Ball Z, Freezing/フリージング, and Dragon Ball Super. Hi there, it's a me, Samueljoo desu! I am the male student of Sonyong High School before graduation. Just hanging around or to do exercises. My Birthday is June 1st. Like: Anime and Manga. Dislike: The Grudge, The Ring and other J-Horror movies. You can RP with me if you wish to choose anime/manga/ero-anime/video games. However, there are rules: 1. No Scat/Farting (Because that's gross) 2. No Cannibalism allowed. |